The Blame Game

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After the awkwardness of saying goodbye to everyone was over I took a quick shower before putting on something quickly.

Instead of waiting on Sungmin I decided to drive kris's car I wasted so much time already I just wanted to get there and get this over with

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Instead of waiting on Sungmin I decided to drive kris's car I wasted so much time already I just wanted to get there and get this over with. Since it's JYP I kinda expected it not to go so well.

When I arrived I made sure that no reporters were waiting outside before going in.

"Hi, Welcome to JYP Entertainment, Do you have an appointment?" The lady at the front desk greets.

" Hi, I'm cassie JYP wanted to see me" I responded

"Ah, I knew you looked familiar. Well just hold on one second and I'll call him" she smiles picking up the phone before pressing one number.

"Hi, Yes I have a Cassie here to see you.....Yes, the one from the article.....Okay, Yes sir I'll send her right up" she spoke on the phone, When she hung up she gave me a smile. 

"He's ready for you, just take that elevator to the fifth floor and his office is right down the hall," she says pointing.

"Thank you," I said bowing. In the elevator, I felt this pit in my stomach. You know when you're on a rollercoaster and it's that big drop that makes your stomach flop? Yeah, that's what was happening.

Once I made it to the door I knock slightly, upon hearing the come in I open the door.  It was a long conference table with all the members sitting at it with JYP at the end.

JB instantly gave me an Icy glare and I felt like crawling into a hole. This doesn't look well on my part.

"Have a seat please?" he says pointing that the chair across from yugyeom, I reluctantly sit down.

"Well I'm sure you know why you're here" he starts " It has come to my attention that you and Yugyeom here have been dating secretly, Am I correct?"

I look at yugyeom who was staring at me.

"Yes sir" I respond

"And how long has this been going on?" He asks looking at us both

"About 5 months sir" I respond

"And I'm just now figuring this out? Great " he sighs.

The rest of the got7 was just sitting there taking in all the information, JB, on the other hand, was still giving me the death glare, He looked like he wanted to say something but I he was holding back in front of JYP.

"Do you two have any idea about how this got out? I mean you were being careful right?" He asks looking between all of us.

Everyone's eyes landed on me quickly and I felt like I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. I mean I know I didn't say anything but I'm sure no one at this table believes that.

"I have no idea, sir, whenever we went out Yugyeom protected his face I don't understand" when I said that JB automatically scoffed and I was about tired of him.

"Do you have something to say Jaebeom?" I asked angrily

"As a matter of fact, I do! We all know you ran your mouth for some quick fame, knew that you were up to something." He yelled

"You know what? I don't have to take this harassment, Why would I do that? If I wanted to do that don't you think I would have done it sooner?" I rationalized

"Oh please, You probably planned this out, All you people care about is being the center of attention" he groaned

"You people?" I raised suspicion

"You know what I mean" he replied

"No, I don't know actually"

"STOP" JYP cut in

"I don't know how this happened but I assure you that I will figure it out." He declared.

My blood was boiling over how dare he treat me like I'm some gold digger. I would never do something like that for a little bit of fame.

"Sir I'm sure this is a misunderstanding, I don't think Cassie would do that, I mean there are so many reporters lurking around" BamBam uttered.

Yugyeom was quiet the whole time, his face was a mixture of sadness and worry. He looked like he was in deep thought, probably thinking about breaking up with me, I'm sure JYP was going to make him do it anyway.

"Do you have anything to say about this Yugyeom?" JYP challenged

Everyone looked at him immediately

"Actually, I wanted to speak to you in private" he spoke up

JYP looked at him before dismissing us to wait outside the door.

When we were all waiting I couldn't help but wonder what he was saying to him. It was on my mind I didn't even notice the glare.

"You really didn't do it did you?" Youngjae asked softly

"No, I promise, No matter what other people think," I said returning the glare to JB

"We trust you, but JB has trust issues" Jackson explained pulling me into a hug.

"If you don't mind me asking, How exactly do you feel about yugyeom? " Mark invites

That question has always been on my mind, I know this feeling is more than 'like' my heart stops every time I see him. I can't be away from him for more than a minute without fighting the urge to call him just to hear his voice. I guess now that I think about it I know exactly how I feel about him. There's no more doubt.

"I love him" I confessed

"YOU LOVE HIM?" Everyone repeated at the same moment

"You love me?" We heard a voice speaking. everyone whipped their heads to follow the sound.


He just heard me say I love him......

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