Chapter Thirty

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    Hagen checked the path. Frewin dragged Jobyna to her feet. His fist was raised, ready to strike her.

    "I'll cooperate... I'll help you..." she said, and was pulled towards the path.

    Frewin walked in front, a sword in one hand and the other holding the rope tying their captive's hands. Hagen was close behind, his short dagger-like sword drawn; he constantly turned to check that no one was following.

    The soldier whom Kenrik sent to the cottage apartment confronted the three. He drew his sword as Frewin sprang back to Jobyna's side. Hagen placed one arm about Jobyna's waist, the other hand held his sword with the razor-sharp blade pressing against the towel at her neck. "Back off, nice and slow and no one will get hurt!" Hagen told the soldier. "Drop the sword and back down towards the gates."

    Frewin grabbed up the soldier's sword; he now had one in each hand. Others, who turned at the sound of the clatter, joined the soldier.


    Kenrik sat on the corner of the small desk, in the first tower office, conferring with Moritz. They were exhausted from the work and strain of the sleepless night.

    A soldier rushed up the steps to them, his face grim. Stiffening, he called, "Two creeps have got the princess! —They're right here, outside..."

    Moritz ordered Kenrik, "Stay here, in the office."

    When Moritz reached the bottom step, Hagen had pushed Jobyna through the open gates, under the portcullis clear into the barbican, then along the causeway. She was in full view of Elliad's men.

    Frewin yelled at them, "Okay you lot! I'm Frewin! Remember me? And Hagen? We got Princess Jobyna, your passport to safety, so why don't you open the gates and let us through? We can all get away safely!"

    Hagen backed over to the wall with Jobyna in front of him. She was an easy target for both sides.

    "How far do you think you'll get?" Moritz cried, stepping from the shadow. He knew his protests would serve to authenticate Frewin's story.

    An arrow flew at Moritz and he leapt back. It smacked the wall at his side and clattered to the cobblestones. A nervous archer could send one like that at the princess!

    Moritz shouted from the safety of the archway, "You'll need horses and a carriage! There are thousands of soldiers out there! The Chezkovian army will never let you through!"

    Kenrik approached from behind Moritz, but the big bodyguard waved him back. "They'll never give them passage!" Kenrik hissed to Moritz, wondering as well how they could prevent the princess from being slain.

    "I've an idea —just back me on it, Moritz— and we'll have the lot." Kenrik stepped forward to stand beside Moritz.

    "Then get us the horses, and the carriage!" Hagen yelled.

    "They still won't let you through!" Kenrik called, stepping out further, watching the battlements of the tower ahead.

    Hagen moved uneasily, "Then if you can't help us to get through, we'll finish it here." His threatening was so earnest that Jobyna felt the pressure of the sword through the towel, and though she held her breath, she felt powerless to stop the light-headed feeling surging through her like an engulfing wave.

    Kenrik glanced briefly her way, then stepped back, shouting, "Wait! Wait!"        

    Turning he called, "Moritz, bring the royal carriage, make sure it's empty!"

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