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JasmineBulsara hey @ thesun next time you want to try sell some scandalous dirt on me, try making it true! Your source is bollocks! Since December? You know when we were both in other relationships... (1/3)

5.9k RTs // 12.3k likes

JasmineBulsara Ben and I did go on holiday together but it's got naff all to do with you! I forgot friends aren't allowed to go away together anymore? Ohh & I play his wife in the film so... But when we get married irl you'll be the first to know! 🙄 (2/3)

7.3k RTs // 14.4k likes

JasmineBulsara Ohhh and btw it's non of your business if Ben and I are or are not together; past, present or future tense. And there is nothing "uncle" about Roger. He is my family; him, Brian and John are my uncles. Period. And you think this is journalism! 😂 (3/3)

6.2k RTs // 14.2k likes

Doing Alright // Ben HardyWhere stories live. Discover now