iv. real life

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"Our next guest was born with Rock n' Roll royalty running through her blood, here to talk everything about what's happening in her life right now, please welcome the wonderful Jasmine Bulsara!"

Walking out to the studio audience, I waved to everyone before pecking Jimmy on the cheek and taking my place on the sofa, I waved once more before taking a look at the host.

"Hi everyone! Thanks for having me" I smiled.

"Now for those who are watching but may not know about you, why don't you tell us a little bit about you and your family."

"So my uncle is the wonderful late Freddie Mercury!"  The audience started cheering, sending a large grin across my face.

"Is it true, your middle name is Mercury? How come you never took that as a stage name?" Jimmy responded.

"It is, when I was born my mother thought it would be fitting to tribute her brother by making Mercury my middle name, he loved it! I only got to spend six months with him before he passed but I'm told I adored him and he me, which is sweet." I nodded proudly.

"And to answer your question, I know I'm very fortunate to live the life I live, but I would never in a million years run off my Uncle's name. I worked damn hard to get where I am and I'm immensely proud of my uncles and everything they achieved but that was them and I'm just me!" I smiled sheepishly, my answer greeted with another applause.

"Now you just said uncles, do you class the other members of Queen as family?"

"Yeah, my parents separated whilst I was young so I didn't really see him very much, my Uncle Freddie wasn't around anymore and Brian, Roger and John were all on hand helping whilst I was growing up. Brian is actually my godfather too, so they've all been a big part of my life, I don't see my Uncle John as much as I'd like but he's doing good, they all are."

Jimmy changed the subject and we spent the next several minutes talking about growing up in England and knowing that I had always wanted to be in this industry, past projects and rumours he had heard circling around the internet.

"So you've just finished Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again, correct?"

"Yes, well nearly. I've spent the past few months in rehearsals with the cast and it looks absolutely brilliant, fans of the first movie are going to be blown away with the new film! The cast are still in Croatia filming, left in the good hands of my choreography assistant as I'm about to start my new job next week, when I go into rehearsals for that project!"

"And are you allowed to say what this project is?"  The host pushed for an answer.

"Yes! It's a dream come true to say this because I know he would be so proud. I'm choreographer slash 'movement coach' for the Queen biopic, Bohemian Rhapsody" I beamed, the audience erupting into applause.

"The cast has been announced and you can talk about it now, right?"

Nodding enthusiastically, "So, my good friend Rami Malek is playing my Freddie, Joe Mazzello is playing John, an amazing actor called Gwilym Lee is playing my Uncle Bri and the brilliant Ben Hardy is play Roger!"

"Of course you know Rami from Mr Robot, did you know any of the other cast?"

"I am of course good friends with Rami and Joe too who was introduced to me a few years back by Rami, they're both some of my best friends."

"Joe Mazzello, was the young boy in Jurassic Park." Jimmy pointed out to the audience.

"He was indeed dino boy!" I laughed. "If there is anyone you want in your life forever it's this kid, he's the warmest soul ever!" I acknowledged the audience. "I went to the same drama school as Gwilym although he's a few years older than me, so we never crossed paths and Ben I had known from watching a soap opera back home. We've all met recently and they all gelled so organically, we start band rehearsals next week!" I beamed.

"It's going to be epic however the film turns out, it's going to be a real testament to your Uncle's incredible legacy."  I thanked Jimmy before taking a sip of my water.

"Now I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ask about rumours!"  I gulped, looking at the audience with panic, to which they responded with laughter.

"First one! Are you dating your fellow Mr Robot star, Rami Malek?" Laughter erupted from my belly as I clung onto my chest, trying to compose myself. "He's going to kill me for laughing so much, he'll be thinking the daft cow there's absolutely nothing wrong with me!"

"He is a very good looking man don't get me wrong but he's my best friend. You grow a sort of bond when you work someone who you have to film sex scenes with, Mr Robot was a completely new experience for me. He took me under his wing straight away and we had such a connection because he's so easy to get along with. I'll tell you a bit of a story that I don't think anyone knows, so in case you didn't watch the show" I addressed the audience.

"Basically I had a couple of sex scenes with Rami when I first joined the show, they're a bit raunchy and because we're like best friends, the amount of times our director yelled cut because we started laughing, it's not even funny. He wasn't impressed so here we are on take eight or whatever it was and we're both like, right serious game face on, the director yells action and about ten seconds into the scene, he whispers the most horrific pornographic dirty talk into my ear that I literally full blown head-butted him because it sent me into a laughing fit."

Jimmy Kimmel is full on laughing his socks off, so is the audience and all I could do is shrug in defeat, "I couldn't help it, if they ever let me return they'll be avoiding sex scenes. Like. The. Plague!" I chuckled. "Anyway, I happily have a boyfriend of two years so that should shut down any other rumours you may want to throw at me!"

"That story was everything we could have wanted, you cleared up that rumour and backed it up with that hilarious story! Jasmine Bulsara everybody!" I waved goodbye to the audience before getting up and hugging Jimmy.




{a/n} The interview to go with the instagram post, however I'll probably stay away from real life chapters too much, as I'm not a novelist. Hence the social media stories, but I hope you enjoyed.
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