xi. real life

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We were now coming up to half way through filming; Jasmine, Brian and Roger could not have been happier with the outcome of live aid which she had been working on with lads for weeks. Jasmine would sometime catch her Uncle Brian staring off into space whilst watching Rami perform, being totally transfixed by the transformation into the role; bringing back all those memories with his best friend. She had even caught her Uncle Roger getting a bit teary during the last day of live aid. Not that she would tell anyone, as we didn't want a tantrum on our hands.

This past week they had been working on some of the early stuff the band did, including the first American tour and Mary's relationship with Freddie. It really blew Jasmine's mind, how uncanny the boys' were in character of those she loved the most, she knew that if her Uncle Fred was around, he'd be so touched that these boys had become just like brothers in the same way him and the band did.

It was a cold November night and Lucy had brought around their favourite bottle of wine round whist Jasmine cooked Mexican food for this week's annual girls night. Both girls sat in front of the roaring fire in Jasmine's living room of her apartment. Lucy who had just been gushing about Rami, Jasmine wasn't sure if it was the wine or the heat of the fire that caused the pink tint to her friend's cheeks but it warmed her heart listening to talk about how wonderful she found her best friend.

"And then he asked me out on a date..." Lucy said hesitantly in waiting my response.

"Shut up! He finally grew a pair and asked you!" Jasmine jumped up, tucking her legs underneath her body and leaning forward on her hand to look at the blushing girl.

"You knew?" She asked shocked!

"Of course I did, I can read him like a book. I knew before he told me" Jasmine rolled her eyes with a smirk. "He's been talking about how much he likes you for weeks, I'm surprised he finally did it to be honest because for a while I thought he wasn't going to find his balls!" Jasmine laughed, taking a sip of her wine.

"I'm so happy Jas, I really like him. Hey! We can go on double dates with you and Richard!" Jasmine started coughing at the mention of her boyfriend, choking on the wine she had just had in her mouth.

Lucy rushed to the other side of the sofa, to pat her friend on the back. "Are you okay?" She took the glass of her friend and onto the coaster on her coffee table, before settling back on the sofa next to her friend.

"Sorry. Yeah. You might want to put those double dates on hold though..."

The younger girl, looked at her friend with wide eyes, scared she had over stepped the line. "I don't think Richard wants to be with me any more" Jasmine mumbled, leaning over and grabbing her wine glass and tipping the rest back.

"What do you mean? Of course he does! That's ridiculous, who wouldn't want be with you? You're beautiful, passionate, loving to everyone you meet, talented. Need I go on?" Lucy giggles.

The brunette shook her head, looking at her lap. "He hasn't spoke to me in weeks. I haven't seen him in two months Luce." Lucy was about to interject "He was in London last week and when I rang I got his assistant, Richard told him to tell me he was too busy. Get that. Too busy to see his girlfriend of two years."

Lucy leant over and grabbed her hand and giving it tight squeeze, the brunette not wanting to look at her friend in fear of the tears spilling. "You need to talk to him." Jasmine laughed bitterly "If he'll even turn up or answer my calls."

Lucy's heart ached for her friend, she knew how hard it was when you had been with someone for a long time, that when the time comes and it comes to an end it stings like a bitch. She knew that they were either going to talk it out or she was going to have to just end it to minimise the heart ache.

"Right. That's enough of that. I don't want any more crying. You're a bad ass bitch and I won't allow anymore tears to come out of your pretty little face! I'm opening the second bottle of wine and we're going to watch that x men film because we both told Ben we had seen it and I know for a fact the way you dodged his questions about it earlier, you haven't!" Lucy pauses. "I also may have lied!" Jasmine laughed as she watched Lucy run to the kitchen and return with another bottle of wine.

Gladly accepting another glass, they turned on the film and got comfy under the blanket. She really was so happy that Lucy had come into her life.

{a/n} I love Richard, I'm not making him out to be a bad person because I couldn't do that to him, but they obviously have to break up for the story to progress.

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