viii. groupchat

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BoRhap Bitches
Group chat contains six participants:
Elliot 🤖, Mazzello 🦖, Peter Beale 😏, Bri 2.0 🎸, love of my life 🥰, Princess 👑

Princess 👑
I have a question.

Bri 2.0 🎸
Go ahead.

Princess 👑
For Ben

Peter Beale 😏
Whatever it is,
the answer is probably no.

Princess 👑
I just want to know
what was going through the heads
of everyone involved during
the creation of this picture.
That's all...

Mazzello 🦖HAHAHAHAHA ABSVXJSBSKSLThis is the best thing I've ever seen

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Mazzello 🦖
This is the best thing I've ever seen

Love of my life 🥰
lol I remember this for some reason

Princess 👑
lol me too forgot it existed until now

Elliot 🤖
Wtf why is this a thing?
What are you holding?

Princess 👑
Pickled eggs

Elliot 🤖

Bri 2.0 🎸
It's an English thing
You get them at the chippy

Mazzello 🦖
I'm still laughing
Ben you still here man?

Peter Beale 😏
It was for charity alright
I'm slowly thinking of ways to die right now
How did you even find that Jasmine?

Princess 👑
One of your fans tagged me in it
and I couldn't resist
Sorry love you
You look good though

Peter Beale 😏
Thanks, I guess princess?

Princess 👑
You do, trust me.
Luce back me up on this

Love of my life 🥰
Ben you do hun
No wonder all the girls fancied you
Just saying 🤷🏽‍♀️

Bri 2.0 🎸
No you do
Wish my abs still looked like that

Princess 👑
Gwilym hshsvsjskl
You're beautiful as it is, don't be so silly

Bri 2.0 🎸
Well thanks darling x

Princess 👑
Thanks Luce
See you look "fit af "
as the kids would say
The pickled eggs still
make me laugh though 🙊

Peter Beale 😏
Ohhhh ffs

{a/n} Hi everybody, hope you're all enjoying the book so far. Let me know any suggestions for the story and remember to leave comments and like the chapters you liked!
Thank you so much for reading! X

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