Chapter 9 - Fatal Mistake

Start from the beginning

   Namjoon looked like someone had smacked him between the eyes. "Are you okay? I'd heard from a friend that a gang was wandering the area by my house but... I never suspected they'd come after someone I know. Did they hurt you?"

   Seongmin had a flash of the gun against her head, Song's threatening whisper as he trailed it down her neck, his masked lips against her ear. She shuddered internally, not wanting to think about what his intentions were.

   "No, just spooked me." She shot Namjoon a reassuring smile, wanting him to know she was fine, "Anyway, I got Jin and Hoseok here looking after me now." Seongmin said it with a chuckle, though the thought of sweet Hoseok or shy Seokjin facing off against any one of those three made a shadow cross her face.

   Namjoon nodded, a small smile returning to his face, clearing Seongmin's dark thoughts away. "Well, I'm glad you're okay, at least."

   Seongmin grinned. "I guess okay could sum it up, but I prefer to say I'm better off for being able to interact with a hero."

   Namjoon turned to Hoseok, pointing at Seongmin. "Her. I like her."

   Everyone laughed at that, even though Jin's face was flushed with color for some reason. He merely let out a small chuckle, but he was smiling, so Seongmin guessed he was okay.

   The three spent the rest of the day hanging out, first inducting Namjoon into their Uno cult and then later curling up on the couch to watch an assortment of Marvel movies and comedy shows. By the time night fell, Seongmin's sides hurt from laughter, and as she went up to bed, all three of the boys shared her big, happy smile.

   Namjoon had decided to stay the night, not realizing it had gotten dark out and not wanting to risk an attack by going out after nightfall. He flashed Seongmin a goofy grin as he ducked inside the room he was sharing with Hoseok, making her chuckle lightly. She could hear Hoseok laughing inside the room, only serving to increase her amusement. Jin also gave her one last glance, sending a shy smile her way before heading into his own room.

   Seongmin slipped inside her own doorway as well, smiling softly at the warmth she felt in the moments after.


   Two hours later, the night found Seongmin still awake, staring up restlessly at the ceiling. She felt an unusual anxiety clawing at her chest, realizing after some thought that despite the friendly atmosphere of the house, she hadn't been outside in almost a week, and she was dying to get a breath of fresh air.

   So after almost another hour, she couldn't help it anymore, and changing out of her pajamas and into jeans, a long sleeved oversized T-shirt gifted to her by Hoseok, and an equally oversized pink sweater (courtesy of Jin), she slipped on her grey sneakers and snuck out of her room.

   Careful not to make a sound as she snuck past Hoseok's room, she winced at a creaking floorboard at the edge of the staircase. After waiting a moment to make sure no one was awake, she stealthily crept down the wooden stairs, across the floor to the front door, and after carefully unlocking the door, stepped outside into the chilly autumn air.

   The cold was like getting struck by freezing lightning after being inside so long without it, an old enemy returning and wrapping Seongmin in its icy grip, seeping straight through her clothes. Strands of silver mist floated through the air like ghosts, eerily illuminated in patches of yellow light when they drifted under the street lamps. Seongmin was surprised to remember that Halloween was in two days, and smiled at the thought, remembering days of being a child and dressing up, running along the street with her parents in tow, laughing at her antics.

   An owl hooting in a tree standing in the yard snapped her back to the present, and she shook her head to clear her thoughts. Just a quick walk, she promised herself. Just down the street and back. Enough to clear my head and breathe for a moment, nothing more.

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