Are you nervous

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It was the start of a new week almost a whole month since me and Jeremy stoped talking.i don't really see slack at all Mabye in the hall like for a whole second but not any like time to talk I kinda missed Zach his weird humor and his personality I got veryyy bored
So I texted Zach remember that the last time that I texted him was when e wanted to see my d**k and denied that he ever did it,
Me-"do you have food"
Zach-"no I don't why do you want food"
Me-"I'm very hungry and need food"
*about 5 minutes pass*
Me-"want to go get food after school"
I was waiting all day for us to go I was wondering where we would go Mabye McDonald's or Mabye a iconic taco moment
I don't see him at all that day I told him to wait outside so we can walk down the street to get food I was totally willing to pay for his food it's not like he's going to eat like 15 burritos

I heard the final bell I run out of class and tell Zach to get his ass outside I wait outside in the courtyard my heart pounding for no reason it's not like I like this guy if anything he's a really good and close friend it's not like I have a super huge crush on a guy that's not good for me damm I think I might....

He walks up on me and taps me on the shoulder
"What are we going to eat" i was shocked firstly BECUSE he didn't say he's coming or anything fucking whore,anyways I tell him that we're just going to walk to like McDonald's or something
Before I could like start walking he grabs my hand and goes to the sidewalk like running we get to the edge of the school like area At the metal fence he pins me against the fence me being nervous and somewhat bold I look at him in his eyes and ask
"So what now"
He moves his head closer,i do the same we came about 1 inch from touching lips then he grabs my hand
And starts running now we're on the sidewalk and we start walking I start the conversation
"So did you want to kiss me back there I would've let you"
Zach-"no umm I wanted to see if you'd kiss me"
I was very confused BECUSE this was the only time me and Zach were ever going somewhere along together and this is very different from when we used to talk everyday
I say "I mean I didn't know you wanted me to kiss you are you gay or something"
Zach-"no I just want to know what it feels like I've never had my first kiss"
This threw my off he had like 5 girlfriends and like I though to have that full "straight" vibe like kissed them or something but he- he's never...
so does he even know if he's straight or even gay he's sooo where queer that it's not even funny

We make small talk while walking to McDonald's talking about how people think he's gay how no one thinks I'm gay yet how he is totally straight and doesn't like guys at all even though he just tried to kiss me not that long ago

When we get to McDonald's we order our food we both share 20 nuggets it costed about $10 not that much we sat in the back in The booths I sit on one side closest to the wall he sits next to me we're basically touching thighs I didn't mind though I told him to get more sauce BECUSE they didn't give us any.
I sat there thinking if I should leave because this is getting a bit too serious and I don't want this to be out first "date" especially not at McDonald's Taco Bell Mabye but not McDonald's

He comes back with like 1 more barbecue sauce like I was supposed to not eat it all but anyways he sits really close to me and I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable so I just put my arm around him and he rests his head on my chest

He gets up and starts like feeding me chicken nuggets I grab one to feed him I go slowly him opening his mouth as I place the nugget into his mouth I press our foreheads together noses practically touching I back away but as soon as I do he kisses me I didn't want to be rude to him so I let him kiss me for a coupple seconds i push him off of me
He looked at me like I wasn't just like surprised out my mind
I didn't know if I was supposed to kiss him again BECUSE I actually really liked it or walk of without saying anything
What actually happened was that after I pushed him off I grabbed a chicken nugget and ask him
"You really like barbecue sauce huh I can tell"
He smiles and nods in agreement I put my arm around him and finish the nuggets with him in my arms we both get up from the booth

We start walking to the exit him walking very close to me,I tell him "I liked the food but I wish I had more barbecue sauce" he smirks and then look up and me and says
"I have some"
And then he pucker his lips to show that he wanted to kiss me I was thinking to myself if I should do it right here in McDonald's you know what fuck it
I press my lips against his licking the inside of his mouth tasting all the food that we ate together we stop and he holds my hand and we walk to his house
While I was walking him home all I wanted was to kiss him more but I thought I would be awkward I felt like he liked holding my hand more than anything else
We arrive to his house and I hug him and say bye.

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