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Eddie had passed out on Bevs bed already and Bev was just cleaning up, she heard the doorknob turn grabbing a knife, she was confused as if it was Richie he would've just used his keys already, the person knocked as she said loudly. 'Who is it? Ben?' He heard a groan. 'I lost my keys, I had to fucking walk here can you just let me in?' Bev reluctantly opens it. 'I don't know. You really hurt my best friend.'

Richie sighs. 'Beverly. I am madly in love with your bestfriend. I wouldn't do that shit, she kissed me to try and...I don't fucking know! Jason set her up for it can you please just let me in.' Bev sighs. 'Fine. But you hurt him a lot and keep your voice down. He's sleeping.' Richie asks. 'Your room?' Bev nods. 'Yes, we were watching a movie.' Richie asks. 'How is he?' Bev sighs. 'Well, he spent the time crying and shoving pizza in his face.' 

Richie says upset. 'I really wish she didn't, Eddies the only person I ever want to kiss like...ew.' Richie laughed to himself thinking about how nice his lips were and how they tasted like bubblegum and how they were just soft, and the little sounds Eddie would make when they'd kiss so much his lips would be numb and swollen.

Richie walks into his room picking up the clothes off his floor trying to tidy the place up a little, he packs his clothes up placing Eddies sweaty ones on his bed, Eddie would always try and keep his clothes on for as long as he could to try and avoid as many germs as he could...his germophobia wasn't as bad as it was a couple of years ago but it was still definitely there. Richie smiled holding them in his hands, he groaned remembering how Eddie was mad and hurt by him, he really wanted to make it up to him, why else would he clean his room? The only time he did that was when Eddie was coming over and that was to the bare minium. 

Bev groans. 'Come get your husband! I wanna sleep!' Richie laughs leaving his room. 'Where is he meant to sleep?' Bev answers. 'Your bed, he's done it a lot.' Richie laughs. 'Give me a couple of minutes.' Bev groans jumping on the couch. 'Fine!' With that, Richie cleaned his bed, changed the sheets and even lit a candle.

He sighs. 'Wish me luck.' Entering Bevs room, he rubs Eddie's arm softly. 'Eds, come on... you're in Bevs bed.' Eddie opens his eyes lightly then groans. 'Go away asshole.' Richie sighs grabbing his hand. 'Babe, her lips were so fucking gross. And the lips were from a none Eddie woman, I really didn't like it nor want it I love you so much and would rather a quick peck from you then a 10-hour makeout session with her or anyone else.' Eddie sighs. 'How do I know you're not lying?' Richie laughs a little. 'Who doesn't want us together?' Eddie thinks. 'Jason?' Richie nods. 'That's Jason's girlfriend, and Jason high-fived me after it happened. I also brushed my teeth 10 times so.' Eddie just laughs a little. 'Fine, can I get a hand then?' Richie nods quickly picking him up. 'Here is your hand.' Eddie sighed shoving his face into Richie's neck. 'I hate you sometimes.' 

Richie came out. 'Your beds all yours.' Bev sighs. 'Please tell me you two didn't have sex in my bed.' Richie laughs. 'We didn't don't worry.' Richie places Eddie down on the bed, Eddie laughs. 'You actually cleaned your room?' Richie nods. 'Anything for my baby.' Eddie laughs a little just cuddling up, Richie takes his shirt off as Eddie sits up. 'What are you doing?' Richie says confused. 'Getting changed? To sleep? What's wrong with that Edward.' Eddie shrugs. 'Nothing, you just...you know.' Richie says a little confused. 'I what? Is there something on me?' Eddie shakes his head. 'No, you just...look hot.' Richie smirks. 'Hear me out...' Eddie nods as Richie mobes a little closer. 'Makeup sex.' Eddie slaps Richie,  H A R D. Richie groans. 'Jesus Christ. Alright, I'll take that off the table. Makeup cuddle.' Eddie laughs as Richie gets into bed with him.

They cuddle for a bit as Eddie hums. 'I have a little news.' Richie laughs. 'You're not pregnant right?' Eddie laughs. 'How'd you know?' Richie goes white. 'Wait what?!' Eddie laughs. 'Don't be silly I'm a boy! No,  I'm not pregnant. I want to get a uh...cat, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with my to pick them out?' Richie laughs. 'Them? You're not getting more than one Eddie.' Eddie pouts. 'But we could have like little gay cats!' Richie rolls his eyes. 'Two at most, you're lucky you're cute...and one's mine loser.' Eddie laughs. 'So, like we're having children? One can stay with you and then cause we spend like every single day together they won't have issues of being alone.' 

Richie laughs. 'So, we're having kids...alright.' Bev breaks in. 'What?! You're not having kids!' Richie jumps. 'Bev, you're the last person I'd invite to a threesome get out.' 

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