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Eddie groans waking up in the stuffy room, he just mumbles a couple of words to himself standing up, he looks around actually taking in the posters around him... he got changed quickly looking at himself in the mirror for a couple of seconds thinking he was really cute. He smiles doing his hair and makeup, he leaves the room seeing Bev moody with bed head grabbing some coffee. 'How are you not dead?' Eddie grins in response. 'Unlike you, I have a sleep schedule.' Bev just groans. 'Shut it smartass.' 

Eddie walks into the lounge room seeing Richie passed out snoring, he turns to Bev. 'Are you going to wake him up?' Bev shakes her head. 'Tried that once, he got mad.' Eddie laughs a little shoving him a little. 'Wake up!' After a couple of nudges and whines, Richie's eyes open groaning. 'Why the fuck are you up at such an ungodly hour?' Eddie laughs. 'We have school! Get up!' Richie groans as Bev laughs. 'You're dead.' Richie hits Eddie with his pillow lightly. 'Shh, let me sleep.' Eddie shakes his head pressing on his chest. 'Nope! Rise and shine!' Richie opens his eyes looking up at him. 'You look cute, now go away.' Eddie shakes his head moving a lot closer shaking his bare chest. 'Richie! Wake up!' Richie grabs Eddie hugging him quickly. 'Cut it out!'

Eddie laughs shaking his head. 'Richie seriously! Please!' Richie lets go groaning. 'Fine!' He stands up as Bev says surprised. 'How did? Eddie? Are you the Richie whisperer?' Eddie laughs. 'Yep!' Richie just gets up and gets dressed sluggishly. 'Anyone need a ride?' Eddie nods and Bev shakes her head. 'Walking with Ben.' Eddie perks up. 'Ben? Are you two going toooo?' Bev rolls her eyes. 'Are you going to give Richie road head?' Eddie shakes his head red. 'No! No, I won't!' 

Richie fake coughs. 'Yet.' Eddie looks at him. 'No I'm not going to!' Richie just responds in a wink as Bev sighs. 'Eddie, I'll meet you at school by the entrance, if your breath smells funny I'll chop of Richie's dick.' She hugs Eddie quickly then leaves, Eddie kicks his feet around. 'So, want some breakfast.' Richie nods as they walk into the kitchen, it's a really small one so they're cramped up next to eachother, Eddie and Richie fuck around while they cook and then head out for school. Eddie jumps in the car grinning as Richie drives. 'So, how's school for you? And how have I never noticed you before?' 

Eddie shrugs. 'Hm, it's good! I'm not sure, I only really hang out with Bev, Bill and Stan...So, I'm not sure.' Richie nods. 'I hang out with this small group you probably don't know them.' Eddie asks. 'Who?' 


After that Eddie sort of moved away in his seat, Jason had been tormenting Eddie for at least two years now and Eddie knew the second Jason saw any type of friendly relationship between Eddie and Richie he'd become pulp for trying to "brain wash his friend." Richie noticed the change in behaviour and asks. 'What? Did I say something wrong?' Eddie shakes his head. 'No! I just...Jason and I aren't on good terms.' Richie nods. 'Yeah, he can be rude but he's really nice and cool when you get to know him.' Eddie shrugs. 'I guess...' They arrive and Eddie exits the car quickly running to his first-period class trying to get there early, it was homeroom. 

Eddie tried to scribbling some stuff on his book trying to distract himself until he hears. 'Oh look! It's the fairy!' He looks up...Jason. He just waves as Richie was behind him, Richie is standing behind Jason and when he notices Eddie he gives him a quick wink as Eddie just hides his face in his hands, Richie and Jason sat behind Eddie as he got very worried.

He felt someone tap on his shoulder making him turn around quickly, it was just Richie which made him sort of less worried. 'Yeah?' Richie asked. 'Can I have a piece of paper and a pen?' Eddie nodded quickly handing it over. 'Here.' Richie smiled winking. 'Thanks.' Jason said to Richie sort of shoving him a little. 'You didn't just wink at him! He's a fucking faggot!' Richie shrugged. 'It's funny for his response, and he's not that bad he's really nice to hang out with.' Jason says standing up. 'You fucking hung out with a good for nothing queer!' He left the room pissed as the teacher went after him, Eddie just avoided Richie while leaving his homeroom to go to his first period. He saw Bev and sighed sitting next to her.

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