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It's been two months and Richie has finally worked up enough courage to ask out Eddie, yeah they have sex...a lot. and make out and do coupley things...a lot, but they've never gone out on an actual date.  Eddie smiles sitting next to Richie. 'Hey!' Richie jumps a little. 'Hey, cutie.' Eddie smiles moving close to him pulling his laptop out. 'Why'd I have to get you as my science partner.' Richie smiles. 'You love it, unlike you, I strive at science.' Eddie smiles bouncing a little closer. 'You're right.' Richie smiles thinking abit. 'So...I was thinking we could go to the drive in...after school? Like a...'

Eddie sits up. 'Friendship hangout? I can invite Bev and Ben!' Richie shakes his head grabbing Eddie's hand. 'Well...no. A uh, date?' Eddie becomes red. 'I'd really enjoy it, what time?' Riche shrugs. 'We can drive there after school!' Eddie smiles. 'Alright! So...a date! I can't wait!' The bell goes as Eddie and Richie exit the library, Jason walks over. 'Richie! My man! I finally have a date for you.' 

Eddie gets a little pissed at the comment as Richie shrugs. 'Ok? I told you I don't want to be set up by you.' Eddie kicks around his feet. 'Don't you have a date after school?' Richie nods grinning at him. 'Yep! You bet your ass I do.' Jason buds in. 'Oh? Who's the lucky lady.' Richie pinches the bridge of his nose. 'Jason, we've been over this. I'm gay.' Jason gets a little upset. 'It better not be Eddie! I'll bash his faggot fucking face in!' Eddie gets worried jumping behind Richie, Richie says sort of blocking off Eddie. 'Don't you ever lay a finger on him.' Jason goes to grab Eddie as he just runs to his next class. 

After a long day, Richie walks Eddie up to his driveway. 'I had a lot of fun Rich, thank you.' He smiles. 'No problem. I enjoyed every second of it...especially when I...' Richie leans forward a bit giving Eddie a small kiss. 'Now, on the third date, I'll come in and fuck your brains out.'  Richie ended that with a wink getting another kiss from Eddie. 'Are you sure you don't want to come in just for a little?'

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