Chapter 18: Dreaming vs Reality

Start from the beginning

"Hey guys," I smiled at them. 

"LALISA MANOBAN! YOU'RE AWAKE!!," screamed Jisoo. 

I motioned them to keep it down "Chaeyoung's still sleeping." 

They both came towards my bed, Jennie's eyes tearing up as was mine. 

"I-I thought we lost you," Jennie said as she gave me a small smile. 

"Aigoo, if that were true, then who's gonna annoy the shit out of you Jennie Kim?," I chuckled. 

She smacked my hand and I winced at the impact "Oww." 

You'd think a normal human being would have the slightest bit of compassion and ask if you're okay or apologize for the hard smack, but who are we kidding. 

This is Jennie Kim. 

She smirked and giggled "You deserved that." 

"Yah Jendeukie, give her a break she's in a hospital bed for God's sake," Jisoo glared at her lover "I'm gonna go get the doctor, try not to kill each other while I'm gone." 

I chuckled and smiled at Jennie. 

"Hey, thanks Jenjen," I smiled at her. 

"What are friends for right?" she chuckled. 

"Also, Rosie was pretty beaten up too, she's supposed to be laying down and resting, not like this," she gestured at my angel. 

My heart aching as I remembered the events of the night of the incident. "How long was I out for?" I asked softly. 

Jennie looked at me and sighed "3 weeks." 

3 damn weeks?? 

"What happened after? Did they catch that son of a bitch? What did the doctors say about Chaeng?" I started bombarding her with questions. 

Before she could respond, the doctor along with Jisoo and two other nurses came into the room. 

"Miss Manoban, I'm Dr. Kwon Ji-yong, but please call me Dr. Kwon," the tall doctor introduced himself. "You've been in a coma for 22 days, but I'm glad you're conscious now. I would just need to do some routine check-ups to make sure everything's working the way it's supposed to." 

In the midst of all the commotion, the girl holding my hand and resting her head on my bed started shifting her position, now her face was resting on her arm as she started to yawn. Her hands rubbing her tired eyes as she slowly bats them open, she turns to see everyone else in the room standing up. 

As if on instinct, she turns to face me as her eyes started to water. 

"Good morning sunshine," I beamed at her, the corners of my lips reaching my ears as I smiled uncontrollably. 

"L-Lisa? You're awake!!," a few tears streaming down her face as she smiles back at me. 

She rolled her chair closer to my upper body, her hands gently caressing my face as she tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear. Her eyes locking onto mine and my world froze. 

We were interrupted by a loud, fake cough as we searched for its source we chuckled seeing Jennie's face turning red from the forced wheeze. 

"Hi Miss Park, I'm just going to run some tests on her. It won't take too long," Dr. Kwon smiled at us as he stands next to my bed. 

He grabbed a small torch from his white coat pocket and pressed a button to enable the flash. 

"Now, I'm just going to have a quick look," he announced as he shined the light in my left eye "Please follow my finger" he moved a finger in front of my eyes from the left to the right, then up and down. Then he repeated the same for my right eye. 

After about 5 minutes of more questions and checks, Dr. Kwon updated my chart and bid us a good morning as he will return in 5 hours for more tests.

As he left the room with the nurses, Chaeng rushed to my side and gave me little pecks on my face. Her soft lips comforting the remnants of the cut wounds on my cheeks and forehead. I grabbed her hands and held them in mine, finally feeling her soft touch after what it felt like an eternity of separation.

"Baby, I was so worried, I t-thought I lost you," her voice shakily broke the silence. 

I smiled at her as my thumb rubbed circles on the back of her palm "I kept waking up and looking for you but every time I thought I was back in reality, the dream somehow changes the place I'm in and confuses me. I was in a field of roses, and I found you while you were playing your guitar and then you were telling me to wake up... then suddenly I was back in the hospital bed but you couldn't hear what I was saying to you," I rambled on "Then I woke up." 

This is a reality, right?



Guys! I don't know about y'all but the weather here is messing my nose up. 

I hope you are all safe and healthy! <3 Thank you again for reading, I promise that the next few chapters won't be as intense. 

Idk if I should say intense, was this an intense experience for you? I think it was just aite, a little too dramatic for me personally but i don't know if I wrote it to express well enough! Haha but that's okay. 

Authornim loves u all. 

Naknak chub chub - Park Chae Young, 2018

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