Seulki Relationship with BTS

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Seulki's Relationship with BTS:

Kim Namjoon: Seulki looks up to Namjoon a great deal. He is the first person she goes to when she is upset or feeling overwhelmed. She appreciates that he knows when she needs him to say something or just be there in her presence. She rarely gets annoyed or angry with Namjoon. They have the same mindset. Namjoon loves to baby his maknae and can be a little overprotective of her. He does his best to not let her see any hate comments about her and is always there boosting her self-esteem and hyping her up. He knows how much Seulki adores him and looks up to him for guidance so, he tries not to show her when he is upset or struggling. Therefore, he doesn't really go to Seulki when he is upset. He is always making sure that Seulki is included in anything and everything pertaining to work, around the dorm, even what to eat for dinner that night.

Kim Seokjin: Jin is probably the one that Seulki gets in arguments and fights with the most. Of course, only a rare few are serious fights. Most of them are just petty, little fights that usually end with Jin cracking one of his dad jokes in order to make her smile. When Seulki needs a laugh or is looking for someone to go on late night adventures with, she goes to Jin. She hates when he gets protective over her or baby's her, which is usually what most of their fights are about. However, it is not rare to find Seulki's small body curled up into the side of Jin's sleeping or napping. She also hides behind his wide shoulders when she is feeling anxious or embarrassed and Jin happily obliges. Jin loves Seulki like he would his own daughter. He is overprotective over everything, even just taking the trash out. She is the maknae of the group and he loves to baby her even though she hates it. He is more than happy to cheer Seulki up when she is upset and is grateful that she'll laugh at all his jokes (even when she's mad at him). Jin's favorite thing is watching Seulki on stage. The boys are no strangers to her insecurities and he really loves watching her love herself on the stages, even just for those few hours.

Min Yoongi: Seulki absolutely adores Yoongi. She loves listening to his rap and he finds it cute when she tries to replicate it. Seulki is probably closest to Yoongi in the group, despite him being older. This is because Seulki is not one of many words and neither is Yoongi. She loves that he is able to tell what she wants, saying or thinking just by looking at her. It also not uncommon to find her kissing his cheek and being glued to his side when they are in public. Yoongi adores Seulki and does whatever he can to make sure she is comfortable and that no harm comes to her. If she is upset, he is extremely angry and trying to do whatever he can to punish whoever or whatever made her feel bad. Like the others, he silently watches over her and takes care of her. He always makes sure she has enough food on her plate, is taking care of herself, etc. Although he will never admit it, he loves when she clings to his arms when they are in public to feel safe.

Jung Hoseok: Seulki will never tell the others, but Hoseok is probably her favorite oppa. She is always by his side doing aegyo with him to make the others laugh (or cringe). Seulki understands why fans call him sunshine and is complete agreeance. Her smile never leaves her face when they are together. They act like five-year-old best friends when they're together. She loves their movie nights and "dates." He is the first person she goes to when she is struggling musically. Hoseok loves to make Seulki laugh and enjoys that she will play along with him. He is mesmerized by her dancing and sometimes can't believe that she has trained about as long as him. He is more than happy (and patient) to help her when she comes to him struggling with dance moves or lyrics. Hoseok enjoys shopping with Seulki and taking her out of the dorm for fresh air. He will always be the first one there if she is injured or sick doing everything and anything to make her feel better.

Park Jimin: Seulki loves Jimin and sometimes forgets that he is older than her. It is a normal site to find them having dance battles or singing competitions of who can sing the highest octave (Seulki usually is the winner). Seulki is the first one to comfort Jimin when he is struggling or injured. They like to read the same books and talk about them and even started a "secret" book club that they don't allow other members in. Jimin enjoys goofing off with Seulki and getting into trouble with her. He treats her like he would his own sister and appreciates the little things she does when trying to take care of him. He knows that Seulki doesn't talk much, at least around other people, so he is constantly pulling her into conversations despite the glares she will throw his way. His favorite thing to do is ruffle her hair.

Kim Taehyung: Like with Jimin, she forgets that he is older than her sometimes. It is also not uncommon to Tae giving her piggyback rides or her back hugging him. Seulki is probably his biggest supporter. He wants to try acting? Seulki will stay up all night with him to run lines. He wants to try rapping? Seulki will stay for hours in the studio teaching him rhythms and rhymes. He wants to be a karate master? Seulki will gladly accompany him to all his trainings and make sure he is eating right. Taehyung appreciates all the support Seulki gives him and he gives it right back. He is the first to jump in when she starts talking down to herself and compliment everything about her. He is also the first one to push her behind him when he notices she is uncomfortable. He, like Hoseok, is also one of the first people at her side when she is injured or upset. Trust me, you do not want to be the one that upset Seulki and Taehyung find out.

Jeon Jungkook: Seulki's favorite thing to do with Jungkook is play video games. Although she is not very good, she finds it cute when he tries to teach her. She notices when he lets her win sometimes and appreciates it. They are pretty close in age and you will rarely hear her call him oppa unless he is upset with her. Seulki and Jungkook are the two that never fight so, when they do it is a few days before they will even look at each other and another few before speaking to each other. It is usually glares thrown at each other across the room. Jungkook is glad that he has someone to take care of and that he is not the baby of the group. He enjoys teaching Seulki how to play video games and even though she's not the best, he's glad that he has a gaming buddy. Unlike the rest of the boys, he understands that Seulki hates being babied and doesn't do it unless necessary. He does his best to treat her like one of the guys and she appreciates it so much. Like Taehyung, you should run and hid if he finds out you hurt her or made her upset.

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