"Jungle boy" Jack Perry Imagine

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I wanted to write this for one of my newest friends i_love_pro_wrestling I know how much she loves him ❤

Depression. A ten letter word that has so many different meanings, everyone who struggles with it is different. I couldn't explain why I feel the way I do.

I have an amazing boyfriend who I've been dating for two years now, we have a beautiful home together, and so many plans for the future. But for the last week, I haven't been able to shake these feelings of sadness and loneliness.

Jack had been really sweet during the past week, giving me space to be alone when I needed it, but also being my shoulder to cry on.

"Hey babe" he says as he walks into our bedroom. I was still laying in bed, with no desire to move. He sat down beside me, brushing the loose hair out of my face. "I'm gonna go to the gym with the guys, if you need anything, just call me okay?" He says

"Okay have fun" I said quietly. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips before walking out of our room.

I closed my eyes, the only time I wasn't in pain or upset was when I was asleep, that was what I intended to do.

I woke up to the smell of food coming from the kitchen, I slowly got out of bed and walked out of our room.

As I walked out of our bedroom, I noticed a trail of rose petals, I followed them to the dining room. The table was beautifully decorated, it all felt like a dream.

When I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist, I genuinely smiled for the first time in over a week. I turned around and hugged him tightly

"Thank you"

"You don't have to thank me babe, tonight is all about you, I have dinner almost done. After we eat, we'll move to the living room and watch whatever movie you want as we cuddle on the couch" he says.

"When did you plan all of this?"

"This morning, Marko helped me decorate and get everything prepared, I wanted tonight to be perfect" he says

"I can't believe you did all this for me" I said as tears came to my eyes, "I know I haven't been the best girlfriend over the past week"

"You've been an amazing girlfriend, there's gonna be times like this when you're upset, as I've shown you this week, I'm always gonna be there to help you feel better however I can. I'll be your shoulder to cry on, I'll be there to hold you on all the worst nights and the best nights. I love you so much babe, all this is just a little reminder of that" he says

I was full on sobbing by this point. I wasn't sure what I had done to deserve a guy half as amazing as Jack.

"You okay?" He asks

"Yeah, still just amazed by all of this, and wondering what I did to deserve a guy like you"

"I love you," he says giving me a sweet kiss on the lips

"I love you too Jack"

"Ready to eat dinner and start our night together?" He asks

"Yeah, I'm starving, what did you make"

"You'll see," he says pulling out my chair allowing me to sit down "I'll be right back with dinner" he says, walking back into the kitchen.

A few minutes later, get comes back into the dining room with our plates. He has made steak, baked potatoes, vegetables and dinner rolls.

"Here you go love" he says, putting my plate in front of me. It was amazing how much detail he had put into tonight. He made everything perfect

"Thank you, you didn't have to do all of this"

"I wanted to though, you deserve the best. I figured you wouldn't feel like going out so I made everything here, and I tried to think of everything you would love. I even got your favorite snacks for later on during the movie" he says

"I can't believe you did all of this. Its perfect"

"Only the best for my amazing girlfriend, tonight is all about you, if you want to do it, we'll do it" he says

"I just want to be with you, and I want to eat ice cream during the movie later"

"I got everything for brownie sundaes earlier, I know you love ice cream during movies marathons" he says

"I love how you always pay attention to the little details"

"That's part of my job as your boyfriend. How about while I clean up from dinner, you go get comfy on the couch and pick out a movie,I'll be there in a minute" he says, picking the empty plates up and walking into the kitchen

For the first time in a while I was genuinely happy, I had an amazing boyfriend to thank for that. I knew that no matter what I faced over the course of life, I'd have him right beside me.

AEW IMAGINES Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang