Marko Stunt Imagine

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"How are you feeling babe?" Marko asked, taking a seat next to me on the bed.

"Horrible" I said before starting to cough again.

The last 4 days had been rough. I was rarely this sick. Marko placed his hand on my forehead and frowned

"You still have a fever" he says. I could see that he was slightly worried about me. We had been together a year and a half, and he had never seen me this sick

"I know, I just took my temperature a few minutes ago. It's still at 101°, I just took more medicine, hoping that it'll help take it down"

"I hope it does too, I hate seeing you sick like this" he says

"I know you do babe. But you've been the best at taking care of me. Thank you for taking such good care of me"

"It's part of my job as your boyfriend, and you'd do the same for me. Why don't you try and take a nap, maybe that'll help you feel better" he says. He kissed my forehead, before walked to his side of the bed and laid down beside me.

"I don't want to get you sick babe, I can sleep on the couch until I'm better"

"I'm not too worried about it babe, if I do get sick, I have the cutest girl on the planet to take care of me" he says. He wrapped his arm around me as I laid my head on his chest. "Get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up" he says. I closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep.

When I woke up a few hours later, Marko was still asleep, cuddled up next to me. I sat up in bed, which caused Marko to wake up.

"You okay babe?" He asks, still groggy

"Yeah, I'm okay" I got up and walked to the bathroom. I still felt weak from not really eating for a few days.

Marko smiled as I got back into bed "it's good to see you up and moving around for a bit" he says

"I know, I've barely gotten up since last Thursday, I've only gotten up to go to the bathroom, I haven't really had the strength in me to do much more than that. And I still don't. I still feel weak"

"You need to eat something babe, what do you want? I'll make it for you" he asks

"I'm afraid if I eat, I'll get sick again. That's why I haven't eaten since Friday night"

"You gotta eat something" he says

"I'll try and eat some crackers I guess"

"What about toast?" He suggests

"I guess I could probably do that. At least I hope so"

He smiles, and exits the room, returning a few minutes later with two pieces of toast, and a bottle of water

"You look a lot better," he says as he placed his hand on my forehead "and your fever is gone,"

"I feel better, I'm just nervous to try and eat, I don't want to get sick"

"If you eat a little bit and it doesn't agree with you, you don't have to finish it, but at least try to eat" he says

I slowly ate, Marko sat with me the whole time, constantly encouraging me. I saw a smile come on his face when I took the last bite

"Good job babe, I'm so proud of you" he says, kissing my forehead

"I'm just glad I'm holding it down"

"Me too, do you want anything else to eat? I can make whatever you want" he says

"I'm okay for now, but I'll try and eat something for dinner tonight,"

"I'll make whatever you want, just let me know when you're ready to eat again" he says

"Thank you, I honestly couldn't have survived the past 4 days without you"

"I'm glad I could be here to take care of you, nothings more important to me than you, no gym workout, or other plans I could make. You're the best thing that's happened to me" he says

"You didn't have to give it all up for me though, i would have survived for a few hours"

"Babe, I promise you I didn't mind one bit, the best thing in my life is you, without you, I'm nothing" he says

"That's not true, you get to live your dream on a daily basis, you have thousands of fans who adore you"

"I still say that the best thing in my life is the beautiful girl laying beside me" he says. I lay my head in his lap,as he plays with my hair.

"You can go back to sleep if you want, I'll be here when you wake up" he says. I closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep

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