Rockabilly Blues

Mulai dari awal

"I guess you'd have to blame my auntie for that," Tennessee said as he went over to one of the couches and pulled out a cigarette and lit it before smoking it. "Anyways, would ya'll like a seat? Maybe a drink of lemonade or..."

"That would be unnecessary," Germany said in a commanding tone that made Tennessee lookup. 

"Okay. Don't be so formal. Could've just said no." Germany blushed a bit at this. Yes, he knew he was very staunch and proper but he couldn't help it. He was raised to be like this. He sighed. Maybe that was the reason he couldn't make friends outside his family for so long. Honestly, Germany knew it was pure luck that Italy and Japan wanted to be his friends,' especially after the Second World War. 

He sighed. "My apologies, Tennessee," he muttered with a blush on his face. 

"It's fine, sir," the boy said. "So what do ya'll think of us?"

"Excuse me?" Spain asks.

"Well, I'm just assuming you met some of my siblings on your way here and call it curiosity I suppose, but I wanna know what ya'll think of me and my kin," Tennessee clarified.

The nations looked among themselves. From the looks on their faces, they seemed to all be thinking the same thing. So far the states seemed like their father. Loud, obnoxious, and constantly getting into messes and yet they couldn't say it. Maybe it was the fear of their shotgun-loving father that silenced their tongues or the fact this kid was just so calm that it was a bit unnerving. 

"If you worrying about me telling pa, don't be," the Southern-accented voice of Tennessee rang out. "I ain't some snitch."

"Why do you care what we think of you all?" Germany asks in his gruff tone. 

Tennessee shrugs. "Curiosity, I suppose. We don't get many guests here due to how overprotective Pa is. Can't say I blame him though." The teenaged-looking state looks down, almost contemplating something. As the nations were about to ask him, he shook his head before looking up at the assembly before him. "So what do y'all think?"

Silence enveloped the music room as the nations still unsure what to make of the Southern state. He seemed polite and nice enough. However, if one were to live as long as the countries then they would know that looks are more often than not deceiving, so they were still rather hesitant to reveal their thoughts. 

However, it was Italy Veneziano who spoke first, "Your siblings are...interesting."

"You don't have to lie. My siblings can be difficult," Tennessee said with nonchalance heavy in his voice. "We still can't celebrate Thanksgiving without it ending in a massive food fight and to this day we still find mash potatoes against the walls."

"Frankly, your father should learn how to control them," Germany grunted as the pain from that black-haired child's kick resurfaced. Seriously, how was that even possible?

Tennessee sighed. "Yeah. Maybe, but pa's always been on his own so it couldn't have been easy for him to grow up a bunch of rowdy states."

"Hmph...Still, if he's going to have all these children then the least he could do is make sure they aren't a bunch of beasts," England muttered loud enough to be heard by the ebony-haired state.

The nations shocked looked between the two, mostly out of fear given that the state may seem calm on the outside by he was still an American state. This was not reality however and the state just stared back with the same calm expression. Okay, now they were really scared. What the hell was going inside this kid's mind.

'God, I'm hoping the ladies finish lunch soon,' thought Tennessee. "Maybe, but from what I understand about ya'lls meetings, you really shouldn't be judging me and my siblings. Now should you?" Tennessee said with the slightest amount of venom on his tongue. 

YOU HAVE WHAT!?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang