115. Going to the chapel....

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"Thanks." Chloe muttered, something felt a bit strange about today already.

"Cheers." Annukka held her glass up.

"Cheers." Chloe clinked her glass against Annukka's and they both took a sip.

"Let's take these into your bedroom and find you a dress, shall we?"

"Will I really need a dress today? I was going to put one on tonight." Chloe said as she followed her to the bedroom. Something was definitely going on and she had a feeling that Seb was behind it.

"Trust me, you'll thank me when you get outside in the heat."

"Is Seb up to something?" She asked as Annukka started to rifle through her case.

"No, what makes you say that?" She stopped and looked at Chloe, giving her her best 'hurt' face. "Oh....sorry I'm being a bit too interfering aren't I? Of course, you should pick what you want to wear."

"Oh, no, no, it's fine really." Chloe suddenly felt a bit bad, Annukka was only trying to help after all. "No, you carry on."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." Chloe nodded.

"I could do your hair too if you like?"

"Let's leave it at a dress, yeah?" That was definitely over stepping the line for Chloe and she watched as Annukka started to rifle through her stuff once more.

"I think this one." She unfolded a short white dress that had a lace overlay, low cut and with thin straps.

"Really? I'm not sure, not for daytime." Chloe replied. That dress was one she kept for nights out, not for a walk along the Vegas strip, she was going to feel vastly over dressed and self conscious wearing that at this time of the day. "I could change into that later."

"What? And miss out valuable time in a bar somewhere? I know that Seb and Antti are coming back here to get changed later, but we could stay in a bar with Britta and have some girly time. Here...." Annukka threw the dress to Chloe who managed to catch it with her free hand.

"I haven't shaved my legs." She said trying to give her an excuse as to why she didn't want to wear it now.

"Off you go then, you've got time before we leave to meet them." Annukka plonked herself down on the bed and started sipping on her champagne. Chloe stood and looked at her for a moment, so that was it then, she was obviously wearing the white dress whether she liked it or not.

"Right...." She said slowly. "I'll go and...."

"I'll wait here." Annukka smiled and Chloe raised her brows in disbelief as she walked into the bathroom.


"Don't you think I'm showing a bit too much boobage?" Chloe asked as she stood in the foyer while Annukka rummaged in her bag for the key to the hire car that Antti had sorted for them.

"Boobage?" She dropped her key on the floor and bent down to pick it up.

"Cleavage, breasts, you know." Chloe gestured to her chest with her hands. "This is too much for this time of the day."

"No it's not, you look gorgeous, you'll blow Seb away."

"I'm not wearing this for his benefit."

"Yeah, but it'll be a nice surprise for him to see you dressed like that." Annukka gestured with her hand for Chloe to follow her out to the car.

"What do you mean dressed like that? It wasn't that long ago he last saw me in a dress."

"Never mind, get in. The sooner we have breakfast, the sooner we can hit the strip and then the bar." Annukka unlocked the red Ferrari GTC4 Lusso and climbed in. Chloe was definitely suspicious, today could go either way.

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