Chapter Twenty Two: Why?

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Alena's POV

I was unwanted by the autobots, decepticons, and possibly my own mother since I hurt Jack. Well what am I saying? Shes not even my own mom why did I have to be Unicron's daughter? Why did I have to be the one who destroys everything in its path in the future? Why couldn't I be a normal teenager? Tears filled my eyes as I was walking on a field all wet and cold. I held my stomach as I stopped walking.

“At least you still love me,” I told my baby with a small smile.


I screamed and fell back as my father popped out of the ground. He was covered in grass.

“W-W-What do you want?”

“come with me my darling I will show you what its like to be loved, I will show you what it is like to be wanted just come with me and together we will rule the universe and I will tend to your every need,”


“Oh but what about that little child you have inside you, he does not deserve an unhappy life and you wouldn't of been able to care for him without me think of him Alena would you want him to live or to die?” he asked with an outs treached hand.

I bit my lip as another tear came to my eye. Its a boy... my dad knows im having a boy. I looked down at my stomach and back at him as I slowly went towards him.

“o-o-ok I'll go but only because of my little bundle of joy,”

Unicron smirks.

“exellent my darling you have made the right choice of choosing,”

before I stepped on his hand a shot was heard from a distance as Unicron looked up to see who it was.

“Prime,” Unicron growled as I looked over to see him on his way.

I smiled.

“OPTIMUS!” I shouted happily when he came into view.

Optimus transformed into his original form as he jumped up and punched dad straight in the face as he broke away into pieces. Before I could fall though he caught me in his hand.


“Alena are you and the baby alright?” he asked as I nodded my head.

“I think were doing just fine,”

just then millions of dads popped up from the ground larger and covered in even more grass.

“Prime release my daughter and nobody gets hurt,” all of them said at once as Optimus put me down and put on a fighting stance.

“Optimus you cant do this alone please let me help you,”

“no your fine Alena just protect our child,” he reponds before he leaves.

I watched helplessy as Optimus tried fighting my father, since hes just grass hes easy to defeat but more keeps multiplying. An hour into this and Optimus is over heating his engines and has cuts and brusis all over him.

“PLEASE STOP!” I shouted before Optimus had time to slash at dad.

“I give up you win dad I dont want him to be hurt anymore please dad im ready for you now,”

“Good choice Alena protecting the father of your child he knows he can not win,”


“dont I can handle this myself I love you Optimus but goodbye,”

and with those last final words I ran over to my dad's out strached hand as we vanished out of sight.

More than meets the eye A Optimus Prime Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now