Chapter 14

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Barnacles had woken up. He saw Tweak laying next to him. She was so pretty. He made his way to the kitchen. He really wanted to do something sweet for her. After giving him the night of his life. He cooked some eggs. He then put them on a croissant roll. He put it on a plate with a side of carrots. He made some coffee. He then put it on a saucer on the plate. He took it to his room.

Barnacles:*nudging Tweak awake* Wake up my angel. I've made a surprise for you.

Tweak: You didn't. Breakfast in bed. You're the sweetest guy I've ever met.*kisses Barnacles's cheek*

Barnacles:*blushing* It's the least I could do for a beautiful kind girl like you.

Tweak throws Barnacles onto the bed and slams her lips on his. Barnacles stroked Tweak's hair. Tweak had both her paws rested on Barnacles's soft face. After 15 long seconds they pulled away.

Tweak had began to eat her food

Tweak: Nobody has ever cared for me like this since my father passed away. They all treated me like garbage.

Barnacles: I don't know why. You are such a sweet girl.

Tweak: I'm gonna go wake up Peso. All right?

Barnacles: Go ahead.

Tweak made her way to the spare bedroom. She saw Peso asleep. She shook him awake.

Tweak: Wake up Peso. 

Peso: *yawns* Good morning Tweak.

Tweak: Look I wanted to talk to you.

Peso: Okay

Tweak: I overheard you talking to Barnacles about be being abused. 

Peso: Okay

Tweak: Look. I was once just like you. I got pushed around. Not by my dad but by everyone around me. I was depressed. I tried to commit suicide. But somebody saved me. It was my Dad. He was the only person who ever supported me. Until he died in an accident. He was the person who inspired me to change my ways. I know you're not exactly close with your father but maybe there is someone else you can develop a relationship with. A friend. I think I can be that friend. Just take my hand.

Peso reached out and grabbed her hand. She pulled him into a hug.

Peso: Thank you Tweak. All i've ever wanted was a person to help me in the darkest of days.*starts to cry*. A shoulder to cry on. I never had that. I've been called worthless, a loser, a faggot, a nobody, a complete waste of life. I had to put up with it all my life. I was beaten by Dad. Bullied in school. I had nothing to live for. Until I met you. Tweak started to cry too. Both in complete tears, pulled each other into a hug. 

Tweak: I'm glad I could help.

Barnacles watched the whole scene. He was crying too. Tweak left the room. Barnacles approached Tweak and pulled her into a long kiss.

Barnacles: I love you. You are the nicest girl i have ever met. And i'm sure Peso would agree with me.

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