Chapter 13

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SORRY FOR THE LONG DELAY!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             :Meeting:

                                                                                                                                                      Shellington cleaned himself and the floor up. He didn't want the embarassment of walking out with cum stains on him. He didn't want the bathroom sticky either.

Barnacles: Okay Shellington is back in here. How about we talk about what we will be doing in this group or team.

Dashi: Okay then. Continue.

Barnacles: Gladly.  Well what we are going to do together is make dicoveries of underwater creatures. We will need our engineer Tweak to order and/or build our equipment. If of us or if any creatures get hurt or sick, our medic Peso will treat them. Dashi our photographer, will of course take any interesting photos. If they are interesting enough she will send them to museums for potential money. Me and Shellington will be making the discoveries and writing any important discoveries. Inkling here will be here to help us if we do not know a species.

Tweak: I have a perfect idea. We will be living at the job so instead of going back and forth to the ocean, why don't we just live in the ocean. 

Barnacles: How would that work

Tweak: We could build an underwater home. Build small submarine-like vehicles to drive around the ocean. We would have water helmets so we can breathe underwater.

Barnacles: I think that could work. Anybody thinks this is a good idea and wants to be a part of the crew say "I"

Tweak: I

Shellington: I

Dashi: I

Peso: I

Inkling: I

Barnacles: I. It looks like everyone here wants to be part of the group. I think we will close it here. Next time we meet we will talk about how we can get this whole project started. Goodbye everyone.

They make their way to the door, saying goodbye to Barnacles. Barnacles wants to talk to Tweak. He knows they had that moment. He is almost sure she felt the same way.

Barnacles: Hey Tweak wait. I'd like to talk to you in private.

Tweak: *giggles* okay

Peso: Hey wait Barnacles, can i just talk to you first. It is really important.

 Barnacles: Alright Peso, and I will get to you in a moment Tweak.

Tweak went out of the room so Peso and Barnacles could talk alone. She fapped while looking at Barnacles. He was SO CUTE.

Peso: Look, I told you about my abusive father. Something happened between me and him and I'm scared to go back home. Something happened between me and him and i'm scared to even be around him. *sheds a tear* I've been a depressed nobody. I completely forgot the meaning of my life. I wanted to commit suicide. He beat me, and my mother never did anything about it because she was scared. That bastard ruined my life at home for 18 years. I don't want that to continue now.

Tweak had felt so bad. She knew she used to float on the same boat as him. She was depressed abused and very suicidal during her teen years. Of course the only difference was her father was the nicest person she had ever known.

Peso: I know it's a lot to ask but I need someplace to stay. And i was wondering if it could be here.

Barnacles had grabbed Peso and hugged him

Barnacles; Of course. There is a spare bedroom back there. You can sleep in there. I want to do nothing but help you Peso. You are a better person than your father treats you.

Peso went to the spare bedroom and completely crashed. He was tired from all the stress from earlier that day. 

Peso: *under his breath* They can never know.

Barnacles: Tweak you can come in now.

Tweak: What did you want to talk to me for.

Barnacles: Look Tweak this might sound weird but. I know the way we felt when we first met each other a little while ago. When we looked in each other's eyes, we both felt it. You are such a beautiful girl. I could look at those eyes all day. I also saw the way you were looking at me when I was talking to Peso. If you feel the same way just tell me right here, right now.

Her heart was pounding. She could not believe he just said that.

Barnacles: Well do you like me or don't you.

Tweak: What do you think.

She pulled him into a kiss. They held it for about seconds. They pulled out. She had never felt real passionate love. She looked down.


Tweak: Damn, you're huge. I say we take thing to you're bedroom.

Barnacles: Okay babe.

He put her in his arms. He carried her to his bedroom. He set her onto the bed. They were ready for action. She picked up "Mr.Barnacles". She started stroking.

Barnacles: OH MY!!! OH MY!!! OH MY!!!!

The next place it went was inside her mouth.

Barnacles: Sweet Mother of GOD!!! 

It felt so good. He had a weird feeling in there. Before he knew it he realized.

Barnacles: I CAME!!!

Tweak:*with her mouth full of his cum* I can tell!!!

!!!!!!END OF SEX SCENE!!!!!

Tweak: Look I know this was fun but I'd like to go to bed.

Barnacles: Okay you can sleep right here. Next to me.

Tweak: Okay then goodnight lover-boy.

Barnacles: Good-night.

They had fell asleep.


Octonauts Origins: WreckedΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα