Chapter 15

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It was noon. Barnacles had figured Dashi, Shellington and Inkling were awake by now. He decided to call them. He wanted to get them over here. He called them. He told them to come over to the apartment. They agreed.

20 minutes had passed. He heard the knock. As he expected, it was them

Barnacles: Hello everyone

All 3: hello.

Shellington had figured why Peso was here. But why Tweak. He thought maybe they were shaking the bed. He wouldn't mind tapping dat ass though.

Shellington: Hey Barnacles. Why is Tweak already here. Did she stay the night.

Barnacles: well yes, but it was because she had to...

Shellington: wait a second i know why. You had some action last night, didn't you?

Barnacles faced the other way, blushing.

Tweak: So what if we did or didn't. Are you jealous?

Shellington: no. That would be like having a crush on err... A dashound!

He covered his mouth. He had known that Dashi knew it was a direct referrance of his crush on her. Dashi was embarassed. She had absolutely no interest in him she thought he was cute, but in the puppy sorta way. Adorable. He was no ladies man.

Barnacles: Ok lets move on. So what i wanted to do was rent a beach house. A place for us to stay while we build our underwater shelter. We could also rent a boat tto take us back amd forth to our location.

They all nodded their heads. They thought it would be the easiest way of doing things.

Barnacles: i will have to come back here once. To pick up the vegimals in a few days. But what are we standing around for. Lets Go!!!

Sorry this chapter is short. Next one will be longer.

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