♥♥♥ How much can a man change for the perfect woman ♥♥♥

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As Barry came inside STAR LABS one after noon he found Cisco and Caitlin on the computers as usual while Diana and Iris were sitting on a desk with some magazines and were giggling about random dresses

Barry smiles and just roll his eyes upon seeing Diana and Iris doing girl things

Diana: I wouldn't pick that one if I were you tho. It's way too long and tight in my opinion

Iris: hm, i guess your right. What about this one? *says pointing at another dress she likes*
Barry: you girls and your cloth. *says walking over*
Cisco, Caitlin and Iris: hey Barry, welcome back.

Diana: Too short and too wide around the chest

Iris: huh, could you choose one out of these for me? *asks knowing Diana has a good taste in cloths*

Diana nods and flips a few pages before pointing to a dress which has no flaws for her

Iris: *gasps upon seeing it* Oh Diana, that one looks lovely.
Barry: okay, what are you girls going on about...do you need cloth for some special occasion or something?

Diana: Some friends of mine are organizing a charity ball andI am allowed to invite whoever i like

Barry: and i'm guessing Iris is gonna go with you from the way you two are looking at dresses.

Diana: The rest of you also are but Caitlin already picked her dress and you were late as usual to get the invite in time

Barry: wait...i'm invited to?
Iris: that's what she just said. *giggles*

Diana: Well of course. We are all friends after all

Barry: well alright. *smiles joining the girls*

Diana: However I don't like the shoes Iris. They don't match your perfect feet at all

Iris: then witch shoes would you suggest? I quit like the shoes. *says curious*

Diana smiles as she opens the other magazine and opens to a page Iris had missed in the progress

Iris: hey, i don't think i have seen that page before. *says as her eyes scan the page from top to bottom*

Diana then points for her to look at the pair of shoes she meant on the page

Iris: *lets out another gasps once her eyes land were Diana is pointing* I can't believe i missed that page...those shoes...oh my god...i need to have those.
Barry continues to watch and listen to them happy to have time to relax for once.

Diana: Once I'm finished with Iris I'm starting with you Barry. You need a tux after all

Barry: and here i was hoping i wouldn't have to wear one...guess not. *groans and sighs*

Diana giggles in return as she gets up and presses her lips to his cheeks before heading for the exit

Barry: *blushes as he fallows her with his eyes* and where are you going?

Diana: To meet up with an ex boyfriend and get him to let me borrow his car for the night

Barry: *his eyes widen upon hearing* Hold on, not alone your not. there is a reason why he's called ex-boyfriend Diana. I'm not letting you go on your own who knows what he might try to do or pull. *says as he jumps up and walks over to her*

Diana: First of all Barry, Zane is a very good friend of mine and we never had major problems. We broke up on good terms and second I am perfectl capable of looking after myself thank you *says as she smiles sweetly at him*

Barry: i know that you can take care of yourself Diana, I trust you don't get me wrong..i just don't want anything bad to happen.

Diana: I know but still, I have a lot of plans for today and I would appreciate it if you don't mess with my personal life too much

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