Gearing Up

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6 months have passed since i last thought of Nate.

The memory of him almost forgotten.

7:00 am

"Pow....pow....pow! Gun shots ring out from my gun.

"Nice one Flowers." Anita screams over the sound of more guns firing.

Once Anita started calling me it, the name just stuck.

One year and 6 months from today are the battles.

We fight each other to see who is the toughest and will go to war.

Anita's going for the title of queen of the army  and i think she can do it.

No one has discovered I'm human.

Really the only difference between us is i live shorter and i get hurt much easier.

When ever i get hurt i excuse myself quickly so no one will see that i bleed red instead of yellow like everyone else.

The girls here punch hard, so after training my body is covered in bruises, but i try to hide them so no one will think I'm weak.

1 year and 6 months later

"You getting nervous?" Anita punches me on the shoulder playfully i hope but to humans, clones punch hard and i hide my face so she can't see how bad it hurt.

"No! I'm ready." I punch her back

Today is the selection day were we fight to see who will go to war.

I lied... I was nervous. So far no one has found out that I'm human but in the  battles we use knifes so i have no idea how I'm going to get though it without a drop of blood being seen.

I pull up my black leggings right over a huge bruise on my right thigh.

"Yeah, happens all the time." Anita says showing me a yellowed bruise on her shoulder.

We head into the training room and partner up.

I'm partnered with Anita.

"Okay Flowers,let's work on your punches ." Sergeant Kate says

Without warning Anita punches me hard in the face.

I fall back and fight back tears.

Okay give me a break two years of training didn't toughen me up that much.

I grew a bit over the two years.

I'm a couple inches taller and my hair is now in the way of my feet and i constantly step on it.

But I'm only 14 and over the two year the girls grew too. No everyone is supposed to be 20 except me of course but no one knows that so i have learned to act very mature for my age.

I stand up and punch her hard in the stomach and to her it's like a fly tapped her.

She uppercuts me and i feel the blood slide down my throat.

I punch her twice in the stomach and she hunches over giving me a clean punch to her back and she's down.

"Nice one Flowers!" Kate shouts from across the room.

"Who's nervous now?" I smile reaching out my hand to Anita, but she doesn't take it.

Summers jokingly said i might win Queen one day and now Anita's on edge.

1:00 pm

I rinse the blood out of my mouth and check out the fresh bruise forming on my cheek.

During free time now i like to roam the halls.

I'm standing at a door that says do not enter when a old woman in a lab coat walks out the door.

"You must be Azalea." The lady says when she sees me

"'am!" I say remembering the manners my bro- nevermind.


"Anita tells me she found you on the outside. Is that true?" The lady say

I notice the name tag says "Dr. Amberly" and realized this the director Dr. A Anita was telling me about.

"'am" I say

"Tell me, how did you survive out there all those years on your own?" She questions

"I'm very good at hiding." I giggle nervously

"Yeah i bet. Weird your name dosent show up when i search it in the clone catalog." She says looking down at some papers

"Huh yeah that is weird." I say turning to walk back

" Azalea!" She says slowly waiting for me to face her which i do. " In the end... the truth always finds a way out. Your just like your father."


I arrive back just in time for lunch and sit at the table with Anita and Carley.

"Hey Flowers!" Anita says with a mouth full of fries

"We were just discussing how we think Anita here is going to be appointed Queen tomorrow." Carley says to me

"Yeah that would be great Anita." I say stealing some of her fries.

"Stop it you all. You're to kind." Anita blushes

"Your quite little for 20." Carley giggles

I laugh nervously

"So where are the rest of the groups?" I ask

"All in the army. Which we get to do tomorrow!" Carley squeales

8:00 pm

Lights out

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