Falling in order

18 1 0

5:00 am wake up and shower.
6:00 am meet in mess hall for breakfast
7:00 am gear up for training
12:00 pm meet in mess hall for lunch
1:00 pm free time
3:00 pm training
5:00 pm dinner
6:00 pm chores
8:00 pm lights out

Why did you leave me Azalea?

I hear Nate say.

"NATE!!!!!" I scream.

"Azalea.....Azalea wake up!" I hear Anita shout.

I wake up suddenly and sit up.

Beads of sweat roll down my face and tears stain my cheeks.

"Are you okay?" Anita pulls the covers off of me.

"Yeah...Yeah." I say wiping my face.

When i got her Anita gave me her spare bunk in the dorm room.

We stay in dorm room 04.

"Hey new girl. . Babies belong back in the incubator pods. Looks like someone came out too early. Your awfully young looking for 18" A blond haired girl says


All these girls are 18 and I'm 12.
When clones are made a huge batch is made at once so all the girls in this room are 18.

The ones is room 01 are 21

The ones in room 02 are 20

The ones in room 03 are 19
And so on.

"Leave her alone Summers." Anita barks.

"Rise and shine!" A woman dressed in your typical military uniform walks in.

"Who's that?" I ask Anita

"That's Sergeant  Kate." Anita answers "but we just call her Kate"

Kate takes us outside to the grass to behind training.

"Do you know why you are here? Don't answer that because i dont care. You all are here because you have no choice. You all are the remaining groups of Femme. You all are in training to be able to take down Homme so we can get their resources. You see choosing the woods we got the short end of the stick. The Wells have since dried up and because of poor choices the animals are all but extinct over here. So in two years when we attack Homme
Were not just going after resources we want everything. They let us die out by not giving us the cloning technology but because of Dr. Amber we were able to rebuild our kind. So we need you girls to be tough. So Cadets drop and give me 50." Kate speaks

All the girls drop down and begin but i stand still.

Blue wags his tail and chases after a butterfly flying in the morning sun.

"What you waiting for cadet?" Kate yells at me

I dont answer.

"If you don't want to be here then you can just go back to what ever part of the woods you were before." She says


A tear escapes my eye.

No i don't want to go home.

This is my home now.

I drop down and begin doing the push ups.


After lunch me and Blue sit outside on the grass.

I search for some Azalea to look at but i dint see any.

They must not grow on this side.

I pull out a sketch pad that i found in the dorm.

I flip past the picture of me and Nate took when i was 10.

I cant bear to look at it right now.

I begin sketching an Azalea. 🌺

Blue starts barking and i look up to see Anita walking towards me.

"What's this?" Anita snatches the notebook from my lap as she sits down beside me.

"Just some flowers that i love. I'm named after them." I say

"Weird amber never names us after nature, she hates nature." Anitas eyebrows raise in curiosity

"Uh i named myself." I lie

"Okay whatever you say flowers." Anita laughs

"Huh?" I say

"That's What we will call you, Flowers." Anita stands to leave.

7:00 am

"Let's go Flowers move it move it." Kate shouts from behind the wood line as we all run.

Being trapped inside i didnt get much physical exercise which i am paying for now.

Over the past couple of weeks my legs have been so sore i hurt to walk but the pain is making me stronger.

"Drop and give me 50." Kate yells

Me arms give out on me at 43.

"Weak!" Kate spits out at me.

"Something is holding you back Flowers. You need to get rid of it." She yells out

Nothing is holding me back.

1:00 pm

I take to my usual spot outside with my drawing pad but this time i dont skip the photo of me and Nate.

I break down crying.

I miss him so much.

But i know i cant go back

Does he miss me?

Kate walks up behind me.

"I told you something was holding you back. Who's that?" She says

"Uh it's someone who i thought i could trust but turns out i couldnt." I sob

"That's what happens when you deal with their kind they always let you down." Kate says looking out.

"Get rid of it. " Kate  says blankly


"You heard me."

"I cant."

"If you want to push past you have to forget your past. You're home now."

I rip the photo into shreds and let it fall to the ground.

"Now get rid of the dog." Kate says still staring out



"Forget the past Flowers."

I'm crying harder now.

But i know it has to be done.

I walk over to blue and crouch down.

"Hey buddy—-."i start to say

"No words cut him loose." Kate interrupts

I pull my knife out of its sheath and cut his rope letting him go.

Blue lingers for a moment then runs into the woods.

"Goodbye." I whisper under my breath

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