Going to the neighborhood of make believe

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Logan Henderson was going to explore a certain part of Los Angeles that day and it was going to take him to someplace he never thought in a million years he will go and actually see for his own eyes as well, and at the end, he will turn into a father, and he will go on a journey that he will never forget ever and those kids will have his heart forever and his heart will be for those kids as well

"What a lovely day for a walk, not a cloud in the sky to be seen just lots and lots of sunshine," he says as he was heading out into the sunshine right now cause it was such a beautiful day out he was not going to let anything stop him from having a good time and letting loose cause he needed it right now and he was going to think really hard cause the next part of the album was coming out and he had to think where he wanted to go on tour with and who he was going to tour with as well which was going to be hard cause he has been pretty much everywhere

Logan stopped for fans and signed autographs and stopped for pictures cause he was loving the little spotlight that he had right now cause he could get used to it after the album comes out then no one will know hin at all and he will go back into hiding as well and enjoying being out of the spotlight again until he makes another album for the fans to listen to as well

"It's quite a beautiful day in the neighborhood," he says as he was still walking and enjoying the sunshine as well and a little breeze that he felt as well as he was walking

Logan spotted the trolley from the Mister Roger's series and he was wondering why it was there in the street and it looked like there were no tracks for it to travel on either so he was baffled right now on how it was going to travel with no tracks

"That is really strange," he says as he gets closer to see if it was real or not cause he could be picturing it and no one else saw it

Logan looked around and it was quite real and it was spooky even for him

"Might as well get on and see if the driver is on or it will go by itself?" he says as he was on the trolley right now to see where it goes

Logan felt the trolley move

"Okay this is too weird," he says as they were heading into an abandoned alley and that was going to take him to the neighborhood of make-believe

"Might as well enjoy the ride" he says as he was sitting back and taking it all in right now

Logan saw a tunnel and he knew they were going to go in the tunnel and that was going to take them to the neighborhood of make-believe where all of the puppets were

"Okay here we go," he says as the trolley headed into the tunnel

The tunnel was dark and there were no lights at all and that was scary enough

"Okay this is freaky," he says as they were in the dark tunnel no lights on at all

Logan just enjoyed the ride as much as he could right now and he was texting and on his phone so he was not scared of the dark as they were in the tunnel

"I hope we get there soon," he says as he sat back a little bit


"FInally light," he says as he sees the light at the end of the tunnel as well

Logan saw where they were and he was shocked

"What are we doing here?" he wondered as he was looking at the neighborhood of make-believe right now

Logan didn't ask questions at all he kept quiet until the trolley had stopped

"Might as well get out and explore?" he says as he got off the trolley and walked around

Everything was bigger then it was on the TV screen and that was cool

"Even the puppets are out," he says as he sees some of the puppets out and about that day which was cool

Logan could hear screaming and he went to see what was going on at the moment and he saw a lot of kids and the babies dressed as the joker and they were scaring everyone

"Kids that is not nice and why are you and the babies dress as the joker cause that is not a good crime for you kids and the babies as well," he says as he was looking at the group right now and many were hanging their heads down low as well

"We thought if we dress differently we will fit in here," one of the boys says to him

"You guys and girls don't have to do that you kids are perfect just the way you are and if your parents did this to you then poop on them cause you kids are different in your special way and don't let anyone tell you differently and when we go back I am going to find all of your moms and dads and tell them what I told all of you and the babies don't have to be different either they are perfect just as they are," he says as he was talking to them still

Logan cleaned them up and got the make-up off of their faces as well and he was going to take them back to the real world

"Can we stay here for a bit longer please?" one of the boys asks him

"Sure we can I can get a hold of all of your parents," he says as he was calling parents and have them meet him when he returned

The majority of the parents were going to get their kids and take them home but the one little girl didn't have a home she was disowned by her parents and the babies didn't have a family either and that broke his heart


"Okay kids time to go home," he says as he had the babies in his arms right now as they headed home

The kids got aboard and they were fully ready to go home and see their families

"Sweetheart there is not any more clowns you get to be with me and you get two baby sisters and a baby brother by the look of things," he says as he helped her on cause she was the most scared right now

Logan held her close as he had the babies as they headed back

"Okay here we are," he says the trolley came back through the tunnel right now

The kids got off and went to their real families and the ones that did not have a family were going to go with Logan

How is this so far? more is coming in the future like Logan taking his bunch home is next when the crowd levels at work ain't so crazy due to the virus

Wishing everyone merry Christmas and happy holidays and a happy new year

Next chapter next week I hope depends on ties

Joker kids in the neighborhood of make-believe 2023Where stories live. Discover now