Getting settled

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"Okay kids time to go home," he says as he had the babies in his arms right now as they headed home

The kids got aboard, and they were fully ready to go home and see their families

"Sweetheart there is not any more clowns you get to be with me, and you get two baby sisters and a baby brother by the look of things," he says as he helped her on cause she was the most scared right now

Logan held her close as he had the babies as they headed back

"Okay here we are," he says the trolley came back through the tunnel right now

The kids got off and went to their real families and the ones that did not have a family were going to go with Logan right now and he was going to have a little girl and three babies that were going to be calling him daddy right now and he was looking forward to it

"Well sweetie ready to go with me?" he asks her cause he had to carry three babies somehow to where he lived, and he was going to change his ways for the new ones, and he was going to do that

She nods as she looks at him cause she didn't see her other parents there to take her home to where she was unharmed. She knew she was going to be an orphan

"Okay I think I need to get a triplet stroller for the babies and then get clothes for the four of you then we will go home to where I live to get you four settled in," he says as he was going to go to the local shop to get the clothes for the babies and the little girl

Logan got the stroller and got the babies situated as he was going to shop for clothes, and he was going to do online shopping for everything else later for the babies and the little girl cause that was going to be a better bet right now and he could have the items delivered to his house and he could start being their dad and work on names


Logan took the kids home and he was going to keep the babies in the stroller, so they were safe right now cause he wanted to keep the little girl close to him as he took them home cause his house wasn't that far at all

"Okay I think when we get home you can lay down and sleep okay while I shop for you and your siblings," he says as he kisses her as they head home right now, so the four could get some sleep and get some food as well

The little girl nodded cause she was sleepy in general right now, but she wanted some food to help her sleep a bit better

"Plus, I have to come up with names for you four unless you have a name," he says as he was looking at her cause she was looking at him with her baby blue eyes

Logan saw they didn't have names, so he needed to name them, and he wanted to take his time on naming them cause he wanted them to have the perfect name cause they were going to be his kids

"I think shopping is in order after nap" he says as he takes the kid's home

Logan loved being their father already and he hopes he could adopt them

(Logan's house)

"Okay here we are kids your new home let me get the babies bedded down and then I'll spend time with you two" he says as he takes the babies to his room to lay them down cause they looked tired in general from the day activities

The kids followed him cause they hated being left alone even for a brief period

"Okay it is best if you two pick out your room while I am with the babies" he tells them

The two little ones were scared

"Okay let's see what rooms will work for each of you cause I have to do the nursery for the babies" he says cause he could see the scared look in their eyes

Logan helped them with their rooms, and he had two air mattresses on hand so he blew them up and put one in each of the rooms cause he could see that two little ones were tired and needed a n a p

"There we go is that better?" he asks the little girl since the boy went in without any problems at all 

She nods as she looks at Logan cause she needed her replacement daddy to sleep with her for the time being cause she was not going to sleep good in her new place right now  

"I will be right here next to you can cuddle close to me baby doll I don't mind at all" he says as he kisses her as she cuddled closet to him cause she was really scared out of her mind right now

Logan looked down at her and she looked like an angel sleeping next to him and he hated to move her or move himself

"I might as well cover ourselves up" he says as he went to get a blanket, so she was warm, and he was warm as well

Logan had to be careful as he moved cause he hated to wake her from her slumber cause she looked so perfect as she was sleeping

"Perfect she didn't even move" he says as he was going to check on the others to see how they were doing and hopefully they were okay

The babies were still asleep like angels, so he was going to get shopping started for all of them

more will come I swear right now work is getting interesting  for sure and my sinuses are kicking my butt, and something happened to me at work I don't want to talk about it, so i am going to do part 2 next week hopefully if I don't have a headache from work or my wrist hurts from the weekend either or I go back to two closings a week cause one of our new ones does not do a good job after he had been shown the right way how to close, and he needs more work than the other one which is not good at all and I am stuck in the middle but one of the guys who is ahead of me by a year or two start date helps me out more which I love, and the other one just is not good at all

Part 2 maybe next week or my vacation

Part 2 is up hopefully we can continue again once the ties are broken and more work is done on part 2 and I can get part 3 up 

Joker kids in the neighborhood of make-believe 2023Where stories live. Discover now