Part 4

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"You are very quiet you know that" he tells her as they were playing together cause her brother was making a lot of noise and she was a little scared and Logan understood that

Harper kept to herself the whole time they were playing with her dolls as well cause she was playing mommy and Logan loved that about her she was very quiet as well

"How about we use the potty and I can check on your siblings to make sure that they are okay as well" he says cause she has not said a word at all the whole time they were playing together for the moment and he was going to take it as a win right now then he was going to go from there hopefully

Harper nods cause she had to go to the potty so he was going to take her to the bathroom and he was going to help her with her pants and help her get situated the best that she could do she could feel safe going to the bathroom either alone or with him right now cause she wanted to feel comfortable with her daddy being there so her brothers don't try to do anything ridiculous with her but Logan was going to stop it right in it's tracks and make the boys be good to her cause she might be the only sister even though he had the babies

"I'm going to be right here in case you need me" he says as he was going to turn his back so she had a little bit of privacy as she was going to the potty for the first time in probably a long while as well cause she has been really scared lately and Logan understood that cause he had to help her as much as possible too cause this was not going to be easy at all either on her and her brothers as well cause with the boys it's going to be different cause he was going to show them how to use the potty like proper boys cause they were going have to stand for number one and sit for number two as for Harper and her sister they were going to be sitting for number one and number two so that was going to be super easy for Logan too

Logan was on his phone playing games, answering messages, giving fans an update into his new life as a dad, and Harper let him know when she was done with the potty and she needed wiped cause she went number one and number two as well

"Okay sweetie let daddy take care of you" he says as he went back to her to take care of her then he was going to show her how to wash her hands after she went to the bathroom

Logan was really proud of her and he was going to give her a sticker for her chart later on and by the looks of things she was going to feel comfortable going with him there cause she was going to be scared to go by herself for a while at least until she felt comfortable going alone without someone there to help her if she got scared about falling into the toilet and Logan was going to be standing by in case she needed help or was scared after she tells him that she was a big girl and that she can use the potty on her own once she gets used to using it of course without him there to help her pull her pants down and help her pull them back up as well and not to be scared of the potty either cause right now she had a phobia of it and he was going to help her get over it slowly then he was going to with the boys on getting them potty trained as well as working with her on her phobia that she had with the toilet of course hopefully her brothers won't need to go when she was using the bathroom cause he would want her to have her privacy in the bathroom and he knew he had to make sure she had her own bathroom when she was older as well cause when she hits middle school she will need to have her own bathroom to hide her female products that she will need to use every month and if her brothers saw that they will make fun of her and that won't be good at all either cause she would feel embarrassed that her brothers found her products that she uses as well

"Sweetie if you fill up your chart you will get a daddy day with just you and you only" he says as he kisses her on the head as they were leaving the bathroom after she had done her business

She was really happy about that a lot cause she could not wait to have her daddy daughter date with just the two of them doing whatever she wanted cause she was the little princess of the group and she loved that about having two brothers but they will protect her from the mean kid's completely in time and will stick up for her when she gets picked on by the mean kids and she knows daddy will always protect her as well from the mean grown ups that are out there cause there are some pretty mean grown ups that are out there in the world and some will do some nasty things to her and Logan was not going to like that at all cause he will make sure that they were locked up for life and they were never ever going to get out of jail ever again or a worse punishment maybe if she was in a lot of hot water and she knew she was not going to get out of this that easily like if she was going to end up pregnant at a young age cause she was going to need his consent to get an abortion and go about her life and then she could not get an abortion cause of state laws and that was not going to be good cause she was going to go through having the baby and she was going to do an open or closed adoption if she could not have an abortion at all either which she wanted to have in the first place and she couldn't cause it was a law now so that was out the window but some states are trying to over turn it and have women who want to have an abortion get it without carrying the baby to term

"Today you get a sticker" he tells her as he got the stickers out for her so she could put her first sticker on her potty chart cause she was a good girl for her first time using the big girl potty which totally surprised Logan right now cause he had never had to deal with this and this was going to be a new season of life for him with these kids that he was going to be raising as a single father and he did not have nobody to help him raise her and her brothers and her sister and that was perfectly fine by him cause he was all they needed right now which is fine by him

She puts her sticker on the chart and she went back to the potty once again cause she had to go again and he was going to be there to help her with learning to use the potty which is not going to be real easy for her at all either cause her brothers are advanced

More will come again on my next day off that I have next Monday I have counseling and I took that day off for that occasion and I'm working other Monday's either down here or up at the other store

on hold due to my work schedule and me going to the other store this week sadly and now inventory and once again screwed for help again and the views are up a lot more then what they are right now and my schedule needs to make up it's mind

Joker kids in the neighborhood of make-believe 2023Where stories live. Discover now