Part 2

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"Okay let's see what rooms will work for each of you cause I have to do the nursery for the babies" he says cause he could see the scared look in their eyes

Logan helped them with their rooms, and he had two air mattresses on hand so he blew them up and put one in each of the rooms cause he could see that two little ones were tired and needed a n a p

"There we go is that better?" he asks the little girl since the boy went in without any problems at all

She nods as she looks at Logan cause she needed her replacement daddy to sleep with her for the time being cause she was not going to sleep good in her new place right now

"I will be right here next to you can cuddle close to me baby doll I don't mind at all" he says as he kisses her as she cuddled closet to him cause she was really scared out of her mind right now

Logan looked down at her and she looked like an angel sleeping next to him and he hated to move her or move himself

"I might as well cover ourselves up" he says as he went to get a blanket, so she was warm, and he was warm as well

Logan had to be careful as he moved cause he hated to wake her from her slumber cause she looked so perfect as she was sleeping

"Perfect, she didn't even move," he says as he was going to check on the others to see how they were doing and hopefully they were okay

The babies were still asleep like angels, so he was going to get shopping started for all of them cause he was able to focus on what they needed most then he was going to do the older ones and get them taken care of as well cause this was going to be a whole new experience for them and a new adjustment as well cause they were abandoned in the neighborhood of make believe by their old mommies who didn't love them or their dads who hated them as well and that was not right at all in his eyes

(An hour later)

"Princess shouldn't you still be asleep yet like your siblings are?" He asks the one girl who stood in the door jam rubbing her eyes right now

"Nightmare" she says as she went to Logan cause she was really scared cause the nightmare was scary enough to wake her up from her slumber as well

"It was just a bad dream come on we can play since your siblings are still asleep like little lambs right now, but they might wake up as well and they might want to join us in the fun of that is okay with you" he says as he took her to the playroom to play for a little bit

Logan loved playing with her before the boy woke up from his slumber as well

"Hey buddy, did you sleep well too?" Logan asked the little boy as he came to play with his sister as well

Grayson nods as he went to play cars by himself

"Grayson why don't you play with Harper while I check on the two babies and see if they are awake" Logan says to him as he was going to check on the two babies and see if they were up

Grayson stayed in his corner, and he was in fact happy there and Harper looked scared too right now anyway

"Harper I will be right back your brother is nice and he will let you play with something, and he will help you until you get used to playing by yourself cause I know this is going to be an adjustment for you" he says as he came bac k in the room to assure her it was okay and he was going to be right back too, and he was going to play with her as well

Harper hugs his leg cause she hated him to leave her

"Harper sweetie I'll be back really soon" he says as he was going to guide her to the dolls that he had gotten for her

Logan was going to show her how to play right now cause she did not know how to play at all


Harper was playing happily until Grayson came over to take a toy away from her and he was going to play with it instead of her and she did not like that at all she was not happy that her brother took her toy, and she could not communicate very well either so that was no good until Logan came back in the room to see what was going on at the moment

"Grayson that was not very nice give the toy back right now and for that you are going to go to the corner" he tells the little boy when he heard Harper crying up a storm that her toy was taken away from her

Grayson took the toy and went to play with it and that left her heart broken as well that her favorite toy was taken away from her so fast and she had to get another toy that was her favorite and she was going to play with that as well in her corner away from her brother cause her other toy was a doll that she use to play mommy with as well and Logan loved that she played mommy and treated her babies nice as well 

Hopefully more will come next week fingers crossed if the views are up for sure and I don't work 

Happy thanksgiving, we will continue

Merry Christmas and happy new year

We will continue in time hopefully when the day isn't busy, or I'm beat from the day before or the day from cleaning the rack and playing catch up or have a no call no show again and, I have been working a lot of Monday's like I have been due to no help as well as a case cleaning

Part 3 coming your way now 

Joker kids in the neighborhood of make-believe 2023Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora