The older boy sighed, looking at Lily's curious expression before giving in and nodding. He had so many questions on the edge of his tongue but apparently so did she. "Why are you in the forest anyway?" Haidan asked and motioned to her bandaged and dirtied sling. "Shouldn't you be in a hospital?"

"My friend and I were separated by those rogues." Lily gestured to northward, deciding not to explain further than that. "Where are we going Haidan?"

"My house," Haidan began. "My mum's not home so you can use the phone to call your friend, but you have to leave before she gets back."

"Does your mum know you're supernatural?" Lily asked and Haidan clenched his jaw, a shadow passing over his eyes. "She does, doesn't she?"

Haidan's lack of answer was enough confirmation. "How did she take it?" Lily said, catching up to him as they approached a part of the forest that had been blackened with ash.

"Not well." Haidan's voice was quiet as they stepped to the line dividing the charred forest floor and the rest that was still alive. Lily bent down to brush her fingers over the ground, soot sliding underneath her nails.

"What happened here?" Lily whispered. Haidan watched her carefully, shifting on his feet.

"There was a forest fire here last weekend." He said, clearing his throat. "During the storm."

Lily stilled. She stood slowly and turned to Haidan, watching him carefully. He tried to keep a straight face but Lily was too observant for her own good. "You created the forest fire, didn't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Haidan quickly said but Lily wasn't believing that for a second. Her nerves evaporated as she started to think aloud.

"The previous supernova told me that the storm was stopped by a forest fire." Lily breathed out, her dark eyes wide as she realised just who was in front of her, who had saved her from the river. "Someone stopped it before it reached Widderin."

"The what now?" Haidan dropped his bag of firewood, eyes narrowed. "What is a supernova?"

"The most powerful supernatural creature in the world." Lily took a step forward, almost toe-to-toe with Haidan. "Jacob was a shade, someone capable of hiding himself and people's memories - he was talking about you with that forest fire, you saved the town of Widderin from the storm!"

"You have no proof."

"I don't need it - your expression confirms everything." Lily pointed to the line that divided the living half of the forest with the dead. "And forest fires' don't leave a break that clean."

Haidan clenched his jaw and turned away. "I don't know what I did, okay?" He growled at her. "My house is right by the forest and the storm would have hurt my family, I just reacted."

"You stopped the storm." Lily couldn't believe her luck. "You need to listen to me Haidan."

"No I don't." Haidan snapped, grabbing his bag of firewood and marching off, but Lily jogged after him.

"My friend and I were on our way to Widderin to find you when we were ambushed-" Lily started to say but Haidan interrupted her as they reached a natural clearing. One side of the treeline was scorched from fire, the rest flourishing with life and greenery.

"Why were you after me?" He scowled. "Are you some supernatural police or something?!"

"No! Well not exactly, but that's not the point. I need your help-"

"No." Haidan hissed. "I saved you from the river because you needed my help. You're not asking for my help now, you're asking for, whatever I am."

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