(Mitch) Stars

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It was late, like incredibly late: the stars shine bright above your head, spotted between the dark, sombre silhouettes of the trees. The moon glows in a semi-circle, contrasting the deep blue background of the midnight sky.

You were currently laid on an old picnic blanket in a secluded area of the courtyard with Mitch laying across from you so that your heads were almost next to each other. You flicked your eyes to the boy lying next to you and smiled before turning your head back to the night sky."Look," you extended your arm up towards the sky," There's Orion." Mitch smiled softly and continued to watch the sky.

This was a tradition, once or twice a week ( before the world went to shit ) you and mitch would sneak out of your dorms and watch the sky. You and mitch were close friends for your entire time at Ericson.

" There's Perseus and Andromeda." Mitch pointed out casually, but he watched your face out of the corner of his eyes with a smirk on his face. Your face lit up in the night sky at the mention of your favourite constellation and the story behind it. Mitch's smirk turned into a smile and the gleeful look on your face, " Do you know the story behind those two ?" You asked with a bright smile. Mitch shrugged his shoulders " Remind me of it again ?"

You obliged and burst into storytelling:" During his return from a successful trip to kill Medusa, Perseus spotted a beautiful young woman chained to a seaside rock. He rescued her and learned she'd been tied there by her parents, King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia. Poseidon had sent the sea monster Cetus to destroy Cepheus's kingdom as punishment for Cassiopeia boasting about how beautiful Andromeda was. An oracle advised them to sacrifice their daughter. Perseus found another way out. He killed Cetus. Then he asked to marry Andromeda. However, Andromeda had already been promised to her uncle Phineus. So Perseus had to kill him too. Perseus and Andromeda are still together today going around the north celestial pole together."

You relaxed back into the blanket and watched the sky again. Mitch, however, kept his gaze on you, a small smile playing on his lips. You felt his eyes on you and turned your head to face him." What?" You asked with a confused smile on your face."You know, when we were kids, I always thought we'd grow up and live together." He turned his head back to the sky , while your cheeks flushed " R-really ?" He nodded, not meeting your eyes " Not like this," he gestured to the buildings around you, " But our own place, maybe an apartment in the city." You smiled softly

"If this whole thing ever ends, I'll hold you to that." You joked, Mitch turned to look at you, yours faces only inches apart."If this whole thing ever ends, I'd marry you." Your eyes widened as he closed the distance and kissed you softly, placing a hand on your cheek. Your eyes fluttered closed as you kissed back passionately and placed your hand on top of his.

You eventually pulled away for oxygen and just looked into each other's eyes. There was a child-like a grin on Mitch's face as he moved to lay next to you and wrap an arm around your shoulders. " How about you date me first ?" " Sounds good to me."

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