(Violet) Girls like girls

945 15 2

Warnings: Mentions of Violence , Mentions of Domestic Violence

Years. You'd known Violet for years since you both arrived at Ericson at the same time. For some unknown reason, the two of you clicked with a shared interest of mocking Louis and total disinterest in school work.

In second grade, You used to play house with each other, taking turns acting as a housewife. Using the pitiful excuse of kids toys Ericson had to offer to forward your imaginary lives. You both adored the idea of pretending to live together.

In fifth grade, the two of you would stay up late, flicking through magazines and comic books. Violet would spend her time carefully braiding your hair as you read aloud to her and in turn, you'd paint her nails. You were both happier with each other than you were with anyone else.

In sixth grade, Hunter joined Ericson. He was cute, sweet and you often found him glancing in your direction. You would smile back before looking back to whatever lesson was infront of you. Violet noticed these interactions: she was confused at why there was a pit in her stomach whenever she was the two of you, she'd never experienced jealousy before.

Then the world ended. Most teachers left, Miss Martin stayed, she helped. You and Hunter stayed together through it all, but he changed: It seemed the apocalypse enlarged his ego and all his bad characteristics, and you were at the brunt of it all. Violet watched it all unfold from the sidelines with a growing distaste for Hunter, She picked up on every too harsh word, every too tight grab. But you'd brush it off and tell her it was just a joke.

Today, Hunter had left for a hunting trip with Louis and Aasim. This gave you a few spare hours to spend with your best friend and take a break away from his abrasive personality. The sky was bright blue but ominous shadows of dark rain clouds hung in the close horizon. Your thoughts are pulled away from the view outside your window by a sharp knock at the door.

With a wide grin plastered on your face, you sprint to the door and pull it open to see Violet stood infront of you. She watches your smile as you bring her into a tight embrace."Come on, I want you to braid my hair." Violet's smile only brightens as you grab her hand and pull her into the room. You sit on the floor infront of your bed and pat the duvet " It'll be just like when we were kids." 

Violet sat down and you settled between her feet on the floor. She took a moment to gaze down at you before running her fingers through your hair and separating it into parts. You sat comfortably against the bed, enjoying the feeling of Violet's soft fingers running against your scalp. You sit in comfortable silence for a moment before she breaks it.

" I heard him this morning." You shrunk in your place at the comment "It was nothing." You muttered keeping your eyes on the floor." It didn't sound like nothing Y/n" When you refused to respond Violet continued " He can't speak to you like that ." You nodded your head absentmindedly ." I'm serious ." She responded softly continuing to braid your hair together.

You sigh heavily " I know, but he's scary when he's on one. You know what he's like." Finishing twining your hair, Violet slides off the bed to sit next to you on the floor and you rest your head against her shoulder. She starts to hum softly, making you close your eyes in peace.

There was always something there with Violet, ever since you were kids. She made you happier than anyone else in school. She was always there to pick you up and vice versa. She was your best friend, maybe even more. But you could never admit that, not with Hunter around.

Violet watches you out of the corner of her eyes as you adjust your head so that you can see her face, You smile softly when she turned to face you. Your eyes locked with her enchanting sky blue iris's and stayed that way. Your's were the first to flick away from the gaze and glance at her lips. Holding her breath, Violet inched her face closer to yours, hoping you wouldn't pull away. You did the opposite: you closed the difference and pressed your lips against her softly. Violet smiled into the kiss.

As soon as it happened it was over: The door slammed open and Hunter violently ripped Violet away from you by her hair and she hurled to the floor. Hunter gripped your arm harshly and pulled you up to face him " Are you kidding me? Out of all people her ?" He screamed inches away from your face, you look down at Violet in worry. Hunter grabbed your face harshly, curling his fingers into your skin." Don't look at her, Look at me! How dare you do this to me!"

Hunter's one-sided screaming match was cut short as Violet stumbled to her feet and aimed a punch to the side of his head. This knocked him to the floor, allowing Violet to take all her anger out on the abusive monster beneath her. Hunter was unconscious after the third punch and you grabbed Violet away from his limp body.

You wrapped your arms around her torso tightly and buried your face into her neck. Violet sighs and wraps one arm around your waist and uses the other to stroke your hair softly."It's okay." She whispers. With tears brimming in your eyes, you look up at Violet and rest your forehead against hers. Violets just stare at you for a few seconds, before you both begin to smile and let out quiet chuckles. You press a soft kiss to her cheek and rest your head on her shoulder.

Yeah, this was going to be better. Much better.

TWDG Oneshots (Spoilers ahead!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ