Chapter Eighteen.

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Michael sits in the arm chair with the newspaper in his hands. His eyes flicker over the words, but he doesn't seem to be taking any of it in. Elizabeth sits opposite him, her back straight, hands on her knees. She hadn't been in this house since the wedding, and for some reason it is making her feel on edge. She moves her shoulder slightly, feeling it going stiff from waiting around. She looks down towards her arm, stitches still in place, but was in hardly any pain. She looks up at the sound of horses hooves on the gravel outside.

"Was he out there all night?" Michael folds the newspaper and places it on the side table.

"Every night since the funeral.." Ada sighs " comes back in the morning to see  Charles and feeds the horses, and when it gets dark, he goes off again"

"He used to sleep out when he was a kid. Curly would find him in the pasture.  How's the baby?" Polly asks, also placing her newspaper down to one side. Michael gets up from his chair, holding out his hand for Liz to take, so she kindly accepts.

"He asks for his mum at night... Tommy made a list. He wants to see you two first" Ada nods towards Michael and Polly.

"What about me?" Liz questions, letting go of Michaels hand.

"He wants to see you on your own" she gives a small smile. Liz nods her head, before taking a seat back down.

"and what about John and Arthur?" Polly asks, but the sound of the door opening averted all of their attention. Liz stops herself from taking a sip of her cup of tea as Tommy strides past, As if he is going to say something,  but he doesn't. His hat and coat still on, he walks across the room, open the door and then slams it behind him, not even making eye contact.

"You best go in" Ada sits at the little desk with all of her paper work on and starts writing on a piece of paper before crossing it out and starting over. Michael nods in Liz's direction, then starts to follow his mother through the door that Tommy just walked through.

The wait seemed long, and silent. As much as Liz loved Ada, when she gets working she isn't one to be disturbed, so conversation is minimal. Liz starts to tap her foot on the floor impatiently, starting to also feel nervous about speaking to Tommy. He hasn't said two words to her since the incident, which is understandable, but this also scares her. It makes her think that maybe he hates her, maybe even wishes it was her that was buried 6ft under the surface. Liz's mind trails back to Grace's funeral, and how it was such a lovely service. Only the best for Grace. The best flowers... the best horses to pull her coffin... the best everything. After what felt like an eternity, the pair emerged, looking more solemn than when they entered. Polly catches Liz's eye and shakes her head, sighing.  She gets up, walking past Michael and Polly and makes her way through the door.

She knocks on the office door before entering.
"Hey Tommy..." Liz whispers, making her way to the seat in front of his desk.
"Elizabeth" He grunts, not looking up or making eye contact. There was silence, no words spoken between them, until she couldn't take anymore.
"Tommy I'm so sorry, It should of been me, I'm so sorry" Liz starts to cry, the tears running down her cheeks at speed, but she try's to hold herself together and not let out a sob. Tommy looks up from his desk and properly takes in the girl that is sat before him. Her 21st birthday only few days away yet She looked broken, small... weak. Not the typical funny, smiley care free girl she normally is. Although she is more of a woman now.
"No" he says, staring her in the eye.
"W-what....?" Liz stutters
"Don't blame yourself, don't feel like it was meant to be you. You still got hurt, you cannot wish that on yourself"
Liz's mouth open and closed like a goldfish, not sure of what to say.
"I err... I saw the others had lists. Ada said you've been writing a lot of them lately..."
"I have. And here is yours, you may go, send in the others" his attention had been put back to the paper in front of him.
"I may never have said this before, but Tommy.. thank you for being there for me when my parents couldn't be. I'm always here" she sniffles, wiping her tears away and walking out of the room.

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