He sits up and I do to and look at him in the eyes. He looks shy. "Wait, how do you know I'm scared of thunder?" He asks and pouts.

"Your mom texted me yesterday and told me because she was worried you'll be scared today," I say and he looks at the window but its blocked by the curtains.

He gets up and looks out them and looks scared. He then runs out my room. "Hey! Kellin!" I yell and get up and look just in time to see a door shut.

I walk over to the room and knock softly, I've learned he doesn't lock doors so I know I can just walk in but I want him to accept me in.

The door opens and I get dragged in and he shuts the door. Is like a clubhouse in here: blankets are on the walls, ceiling, and all over the floor and Christmas lights on the ceiling fan on so the room isnt too dark.

"When is it going to storm?" He asks getting blankets out of the closet and putting them on the bed.

"Around 5, it wont be for a while. I could take you to a quiet coffee shop I know.  It serves breakfast but not a lot of people go so it wont be too overwhelming and we can get back before 2 and have a quiet day together?" I ask wanting to help him get over his fears. At least make a step towards it.

"How about we stay here.. and next week if you want, we can have a picnic at a park that nobody goes to?" He asks. I'm only babysitting him until Friday, two more nights..

I smile, he want to see me after I leave?

"Okay, I'll pick you up Friday at 6. We can watch the sunset?" I say wanting a set date so it really happens.

"Is it a date?" He asks with a smile.

"Of course, love" I say and go up to him. He puts his hand on my chest and looks up at me. I love how he looks at me, he looks like a pretty porcelain doll. Innocent and fragile.

I pick him up and he wraps his legs around my waist. I'm thankful that I'm not wearing a shirt and that he's wearing a dress. His thighs are warm and his panties are a velvety texture.

I love his eyes, they are a pretty blue color and his eyelashes are long and dark. Leaning in I kiss his soft lips. I feel addicted to his lips. He kisses back gently and while I hold him and realize how light he is.

Yeah I knew he was light but he's really light. I'll make sure to feed him more. Starting now. I pull away from the kiss and he opens his eyes slowly and blushes.

He makes my heart feel funny and my stomach twist. "Do you like me?" He whispers still looking at me with big doe eyes and a flushed face.

I feel myself blush, something I rarely do. "Yeah I do," I say and kiss his forehead. He smiles and points at the door. "Let's go make food and do everything because after 4 we are going to be in here and we can talk before I do my storm producers," he says and I smile.

I love that he's inviting me to stay with him while he does whatever he does in here. I carry him out the room and go down the stair. I'm glade he always stops wiggling around when we go up or downstairs because I would hate to fall down these stair and hurt him.

I put him down on the counter like normal and go start getting stuff to make bacon, eggs, and pancakes. As I work in the kitchen I'll open wrong cabinets and kellin will giggle at me. He's so sweet, I love that he is happy just to watch me cook.

The bacon smells good, as I cook it I glance over to see him looking at me crazy. "What?" I ask flipping the bacon.

"Isnt the bacon popping!? Why aren't you wearing like, long sleeves and stuff?? You dont even have a shirt!" He says and I smile at his silliness.

"This won't ever seriously hurt you," I chuckle.

"I got this from- uh well when someone was cooking bacon." I look to see him showing me a small burn line on his elbow. "They made me hold my arms a inch away from the popping grease and I slipped and hit my elbow against the side of the pan," he says.

My full attention is on him but he's just talking looking at the mark. That is torche. How could someone do that to him? "Your burning the eggs," he says and looks at me.

It takes a second to realize what he just said. I look over to see I need to mix them. I turn off the stove and scramble them one last time. I add a bit more cheese to them and then flip the pancakes.

I hurry up with the cooking and then I'm done it all needs to cool so I take advantage of this break. When I go back to the counter kellin is on I touch his knees with and he gets the hint and spreads his legs so I can lean in.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask but he frowns. He moves some of his hair out of his face.

"Let's eat," he smiles. I kiss his forehead and back up and hold out a hand for him to take. He takes it and lets me help him down. I want to make him feel like a princess.

I make him a plate and set it on the table for him and I also pour him a cup of orange juice. Once I get everything ready for him I make my own and the sit across from him and look at him.

He waits for me to sit before he starts to eat. He's so sweet and I doubt he even realizes it. I hope he does.

We eat and talk about movies happily. After we are finished and done talking he grabs our plates and rinses them off before putting them in his dishwasher.


It's getting story out and kellin is getting fidgety. "Can we go to my hideout now?" He asks looking away from the tv to see I'm already looking at him. He blushes and I nod getting up.

He gets up and goes into the kitchen so I follow him and watch him get a canned soda and opening it. He points at a can indicating I can have one. I smile and take one.

We both drink soda and he ends up sitting on the table looking cute, well he always looks cute. "Hey, come here for a sec," he says so I walk over to him.

He puts his soda down and grabs my waistband and pulls me closer. He connects our lips and I instantly kiss back. I place one hand on his knee and slide it up under his dress so my hand rests on his upper thigh.

He pulls away a little and kisses down to my collarbone. I like this feeling, I close my eyes and let him suck and nibble on my tender skin.

"Oh my eyes!" I hear a girls voice say from behind me. Both me and kellin snap our heads to a redhead. She has her hands over her eyes but a smile on her face.

Kellin pushes my hand from his leg and smiles but he kind of looks sad. "Dani, I thought you were with your parents?" He says and she uncovers her eyes.

"I felt like seeing you and making sure the replacement was taking care of you but I see I dont have to worry about you not liking him," she teases kellin.

Kellin blushes and looks at me and then back to her. "Oliver this is Danielle, Danielle this is Oliver. But she goes by dani and he goes by Oli," kellin introduces us looking really confused at the names but giggling at the end.

She waves at me and I nod, she is the babysitter he usually has from what I gather. "I only stopped by to get a hug from you and then I have to go home before it starts to storm," she says to kellin.

He gets off the table and into her arms and whispers something to her and she nods with a smile that doesn't reach her eyes. She looks stressed out even though shes smiling.

"Well it was nice to meet you, please watch over him," she says and ruffles kellins hair. I smile at her and kellin walks her out talking quietly to her so I dont hear. It doesn't bother me, I trust he's not talking bad about me.

He comes back and grabs his drink and we go upstairs. I drink some of my dring and then we go into the blanketed room.

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