
880 17 50

Request by: yaoilover2



Warnings: none
Type: fluff
Ship: Kiribaku/bakushima
AU: Halloween (and last year of UA)
Word count: 1311


"What to wear, what to wear?" Kirishima stood in front of his closet. Well, closet, bag with Halloween costumes. "Maybe this?" He held up a devil costume. "Bakugo could go as an angel! But it's a bit cliche." He put it away. He gasps. "Amazing!" He was holding a 'Little Red Riding Hood' costume. It was a bit small but Bakugo would like it!

"Didn't I have a Big Bad Wolf costume somewhere? Ah! There it is!" He giggled at the thought of Bakugo wearing the ears and tail. He'd be so cute! Not that Kirishima was gay or something... right?

He had to FaceTime Bakugo to show the costumes he found. "Pick up, pick up." He whispered to himself. "What is shittyhair." "I found Halloween costumes!" Bakugo groaned and let himself fall on something that seems to be his bed. "Well," He said while sliding his hand through his spiky blond hair, "What do you have."

He showed Bakugo the tail and ears. "What's that." Bakugo mumbled. "A wolf tail and ears! I'll go as Little Red Riding Hood!" Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Really? We're not a couple remeber?" Kirishima sighed but smiled. "Ya, I know that busy it's the only thing I had left and I won't let you get over here in your normal outfit."

"Argh, fine!" And he hung up. Kirishima was slightly offended but liked that Bakugo accepted the things he did for him.


The evening of the Halloween party had come. No one expected it but it was at Todoroki's house. When someone asked him if his mom would let him have such a big party he'd laugh nervously and told them that she was away for work.

The party was lit, it sure was, but Kirishima had hid himself in the bathroom, slowly opening his pocket. He took out a tube of lipstick. Blood red lipstick. He just wondered how it would look it he put some on his lips.

With shaky hands he walked over to the mirror and put some on his pink lips. If he had to judge himself, he'd say that he looks delicious. The dark red lipstick made his skin a little paler and it matched his piercing red eyes. His hair looked also redder.

What would Bakugo think if he saw him like this? Would he find him attractive? Or just a weirdo? A blush creeped up on his face. "Oi? Is anyone in here?" He heard before the bathroom door opened. Shit! He'd forgot to lock it! "B-ba-Bakugo! Don't come in!" He said and covered him lips with his hand.

"What are you doing shitty hair." The blush that already settled on his face only got worse. "N-nothing, b-Bakugo." He stuttered. Why am I so unmanly? He thought. "What's with the hand, put it away." Kirishima chocked on his own salvia. "No. You'd only think I'm weird..." Bakugo growled.

"I already did. You hang out with Raccoon Eyes, Soy Sauce and Dunceface, what else would I think of you?" A small smile appeared on his lips. "But so are you." Kirishima mumbled underneath his breath. "What'd you say?!" "Nothing B-bakubro!" He put his hands up in defence.

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