Chapter 1

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Hello dear readers, a long time now I have to read comments that are HURTING me and disrespectful. I know, you can get frustrated in some chapters and I'm like that too sometimes in books I read, BUT stop those comments. They're disrespectful and hurt a lot, I wanted to take this books down so many times after reading the comments. Just stop with those hateful comments, I'm suffering from depression and those comments aren't helpful, sometimes I identify with the character I wrote and those comments only strengthen my depression. I'm writing books to help myself get through this shit, not for strangers to stab me with a knife and make it worse. Just stop, please.... Now, start reading the book


"Dear Diary,
I think the best thing to start this is, if I tell you who I am. My name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), I'm 22 and currently sitting in my new room in Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies or simple a school for young witches. Yeah, I'm a witch. My parents and me noticed it, when I was a child. I have the ability to read minds and we noticed it, because I was always answering to things, when no one said anything at all. I know, it's confusing when someone as old as me starts in a new school, but it is all very different here. But I'm lucky, I am not the only one my age here. There are a few girls here that seem to be here since the new Supreme. Supreme? Yeah, I was confused too at first. It seems that the Supreme is the strongest witch on earth and she's the greatest of us all. Oh, this Supreme is our headmistress too and she is absolutely stunning. Her name is Cordelia Goode and it's a shame that I'm her student, but I don't think that she likes women in the way I do. Okay, I'll stop now. It's time for me to start unpacking and then I will meet Ms. Goode. I'm really excited.

(your first letter)"

I closed my diary and took a deep breathe. "Okay let's do it" I said to myself and stood up. My suitcases laid everywhere in my room and I started with the biggest. It took me nearly two hours to unpack my stuff and my back was killing me. I was sweating, because it was so hot in my room and I opened the window. My bathroom was connected to the room next to me and I wanted to take a shower so badly. "Oh for fucks sake" I whispered to myself and grabbed new clothes. The bathroom was a little bit bigger than the others, Zoe told me that, and I wondered why.

After the shower I stood in front of the mirror and dried my hair with a towel. The door to the other room opened and someone gasped. I held the towel around my body tightly and turned to the person in the door frame. "I'm so sorry" the woman said and blushed. It was the Supreme and my cheeks turned red as well. Nothing left my mouth and I saw her eyeing me really quick before she turned around. "I'm really so sorry. Oh and I'm Cordelia." "I'm (Y/N). I would shake your hand, but that's impossible right now." "You're the new girl. Oh god, now I am really embarrassed. You know what, you get dressed and then we talk" Ms. Goode said and I nodded, but I noticed that she wouldn't see it and said "Okay." I saw her nod and then she walked out and closed the door again. I took a deep breathe and began to get dressed.

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