3 years

7 0 0

3 years
and i can still remember the cigarettes you put to your lips
the breeze littering my skin with goosebumps
the music we listened to on the way to your house

3 years
and i still remember the way i cringed with each drink
the way it burned going down my throat
but how much i loved the taste anyways

3 years
and i can still remember falling on the floor laughing
then crying , all of what i thought was the worst things that had ever happened came to my mind
if only i knew

3 years
and the moment i realized what was happening will always stick with me
the panic
the  paralyzation
the pit that began to grow in my stomach

3 years
and every november the 5th is always fucking hell
every fall brings with it seasonal depression
flashbacks come all year round
and yet
i still wonder if you're okay
that's the thing about me
you ruined me
yet i still love you
i still miss you
i still need you

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