"This is no mans land, and last time I checked I don't need permission from anyone to stay here." It's getting harder to reign in my anger at his cocky attitude. He hasn't change at all over the years he's still an asshole. Aidan hands clench into fists at his side, but he maintains his composure.

"I never said anything about permission I asked you what you were doing. Now if you don't want to tell me I'll just call the council and they can come and find out for me. So what will it be?" The tensions slowly rises as each word leaves Aidan's mouth. Everyone on our side is on edge to find out what is going on and if the pack is in danger. A different man walks up to Dillion and whispers into his ear.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment." I huff out in anger at his fake politeness. Never in my life have I heard him ever say the words please, excuse me, or thank you. If it wasn't for my nerves I probably would have snapped already.

Dillion walks back to one of the large tents set up and walks inside. Once he is out of sight Fletcher opens up the mind link.

"What do you think he's doing?" Fletcher's rhetorical question doesn't settle right with me. He never asks our opinions on matters he simply states his first, so for him to do this makes me question his loyalty from the beginning. Now that I know the traitor isn't Emeric I have to start looking into everybody else. Even if it's the closest people to me.

"Obviously Blake's involved." I snap and Fletcher gives me a werid look.

"Why would Blake be involved?" He sounds genuinely confused and it makes angriest that he sounds defensive of Blake.

"Because Dillion is his fucking right hand man." I glare back at Fletcher. I take a deep breath to try and regain my composure. Aidan reaches out grasping my hand to help calm me down.

"You know him?" Ryder asks sounding shocked. Am I the only one who pays attention.

"Yes I know him. He's one of Blake's men who does a lot of his dirty work for him. I wouldn't be surprised if he's his top man now." Aidan seems to understand where I'm going with this, but Fletcher still looks confused.

"Della I've never seen that guy on our territory let alone conversing with Dad." I frown at his use of the word "dad". I know he only recently left, but Blake has never been a father to either of us. I can't dwell on it too much though because the fact he is saying he's never seen Dillon before throws me off guard. Before I left Dark Mountains Dillion was more of a Beta than our actual Beta was.

"Sorry to interrupt your little mental meeting, but I just wanted to say that we don't owe you an explanation on our reasons for setting up camp here. Feel free to call the council but it will be a waste of time." He smirks at me. I take a step forward but he stays right in his place.

"Was that a threat?" I growl out, my Luna instincts kicking in. He chuckles darkly at my response as he looks me up and down.

"My my haven't you grown up, but you're still as dumb as you used to be." Before I can even process his words Aidan grabs my arm pulling me back so I don't lunge at him. He pulls me into his chest with one hand on the back of my neck and the other tight around my waist. To others it my just look like an embrace, but I know he needs to tell me something.

"You can't attack him. I'll call the council and they will deal with them." He says as if it will reassure me. I push against his chest so he'll let go of me.

"Because that's worked so well in the past." I snap at him. I will be the first to tell anyone he is an amazing Alpha, but sometimes you can tell he has been sheltered most of his life. He suddenly turns defensive.

"What do you suggest? We go all barbaric on them? News flash Della weren't aren't rogues, so we don't senselessly murder others." I can see in his eyes that he immediately regretted the words once they came out of his mouth, but it's to late the damage has been done. I stumble back as if I had been burned, and turn around so he can't see the tears in my eyes. If he wants to act stupid and put our pack in danger than so be it, but I'm not going to let anymore innocent lives taken.

"Emeric follow me please." My voice cracks at the end but I don't think it was too noticeable. I don't make eye contact with anyone as I stomp back in the direction of the pack house. I hear footsteps following me so I assume Emeric is coming with me. I chose him because he's the only other person I can one hundred percent trust.

I don't hesitate shifting into my wolf form to get back to the house faster. A blonde wolf runs along side me giving me a sense of comfort. I speed up as we near the pack house when all of a sudden a few wolves jump out of the bushes growling at me. I snarl and let out an authoritative growl letting them know it's me. I run around them as they bare their necks to me in submission. I don't have time to lecture them as I shift back and haul it up the stairs.

I storm into the conference room naked as the day I was born, and grab the phone calling the fucker myself. It rings a few times as Emeric walks into the room wearing shorts with his hand over his eyes. In his other outstretched hand is a long t-shirt for me. I take it from him and slip into it only pulling the phone away for a second.

"Hello." I almost yell at her to put him on the phone, but Emeric hangs the phone up for me. I snap my head up glaring at him.

"What the hell?" He huffs siting down in one of the chairs.

"First tell me what you plan on telling your father."

"Last time I checked I was Luna around here and I don't need anyone's permission to do anything." He rolls his eyes at me.

"Yes you are, and no one is saying otherwise. Aidan snapped at you, do I agree with him? No, but I would like to think I'm your best friend, so I don't want you to do anything to put yourself in danger." His words help simmer my anger, and I sit down in the chair across from him.

"I was going to call Blake to demand him to withdraw his warriors. I don't know why Fletcher doesn't recognize Dillion, but before I left he would do anything and everything for Blake without a second thought. It scares me to see him so close to our territory." I admit. Emeric leans forward turning serious again.

"What's been going on with you the past two days? Something happened yesterday in your office and I'm worried about you." Now is the best time to break the news to Emeric since no one else is around.

"Blake called me and congratulated me on Aidan's mark." Emeric looks confused for a moment before all the color drains from his face.

"Someone's working for him. Someone close to us." He whispers as if to not let anyone hear. I nod confirming his suspicions, and he stands up starting to pace around the room. "Do you have a plan?" He asks.

"All I know is I don't want the council getting involved. We both know nothing gets done when they are involved. Other than that we need to come up with super tight security, and even more now that Dillion and rogues are right on our border. I have a plan to bring down Blake but it's really risky." He doesn't look pleased about that as he walks over and sits back down in his seat.

"What is it?" He clenches his jaw preparing to hear a plan that will most likely end up with someone getting hurt. Well most likely getting myself hurt. I take a deep breath and lay all my cards out on the table.

Song: I Ran (So Far Away) by Hidden Citizens

I want to thank you all for getting this book past 700 reads! It means so much to me to see you guys enjoying my book. When I started writing this never did I except people to actually like it, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. I already have the title and cover done for the sequel! I'm so excited to expand this story to new lengths. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you did don't forget to vote! Until next time.

~Stella Gordon

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