Display of Power

Beginne am Anfang

"Wonder what's happening with them

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"Wonder what's happening with them..." Dialga sweatdropped. He watched as one of the girls seemed to be screaming at the eldest male as the younger two were turning red for reasons unknown to him.

Dialga just gave a small chuckle before turning and started walking away, though he stopped as a sensation washed through his senses.

"This feeling!" Dialga said in a whisper shout. He widened his eyes as he felt his heart beat a bit faster, he instantly looked up and saw something.

In the sky was what appeared to be a small black cloud that was quickly begin to enlarge itself, Dialga widened his eyes when lightning and glows of purple energy began flashing within the clouds.

It started small, but they became louder and louder as everyone in the city was starting to take notice of the area becoming darker and looked up in shock.

"I knew it... he managed to do it, huh?" Dialga growled. He could only watch as the clouds began to swirl and the area around them was becoming dangerous.

Winds were picking up and the ground was shaking, the screams of the citizens could be heard as they all ran for safety as quickly as they could.

"Damnit, this is going to get ugly fast."

Dialga then quickly put energy into his legs as he began running towards the centre of this storm, not noticing someone call out to him.

"Wait!" It was none other than Touya Mochizuki, the male from the group that Dialga saw before had called out to Dialga. "This is bad."

"Touya, what is that?" Linze, the short haired girl, asked in shock. The youngest ones looked terrified as they quickly ran into the cafe for safety.

"I don't know, but that boy seemed to know something. I'm going to go after him, you guys go and help the people get to safety!"

"Right!" They both responded as Touya began running after Dialga. Touya had thoughts going through his head though.

'That boy, I feel like I've seen him before... Where did I hear of him again?' Touya thought. He then shook his head and focused before speeding up. "Accel!"


Palkia could be seen currently walking through the town as the civilians were just walking past him, thankfully not getting their attention.

It seemed like a rather tropical and peaceful place, though Palkia sensed that battles were taking place elsewhere, the source of both Latias and Latios's power were still in this area.

"I wonder if Dialga is having any better luck than me? I'm finding nothing..." Palkia frowned. He continued walking as he then looked the wall of a building before walking over and leaning against it.

The True Gods (Highschool DxD Fanfic and Multiverse Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt