Chapter 21 - One Week Anniversary

Start from the beginning

"Hey babes~! What are you eating. Ooooh, is that the lunch Leon made? May I have some? Pretty pretty please?" Alec had suddenly butted in. He had been late to lunch because he was held back to discuss his roles in the student council. Because of his father's influence, his good grades and clean background, he was obviously accepted.

Leon scrutinised Alec's face before muttering a reluctant yes. He couldn't deny Alec since you were here. Happily, Alec took one rice ball from the lunch box. "It's so delicious!"

Leon puffed out his chest proudly. Of course it was. Leon had spent hours studying, practicing, and finally making the final product. Lea was happy to see his son come out of his room once in a while. Onigiri was a bit hard for him to make since he spent hours fretting over the perfect filling. He had originally thought long and hard about the ratio of tuna to mayonnaise that's most suitable to your tastes but realized that you might not like that. In the end, he went for F/F.

"Wait, Leon, if you gave the last onigiri to Alec, then what are you gonna eat?"

Leon blinked. "I was planning to eat your lunch."

Your face started turning red in embarrassment. "What?! I should've prepared a better lunch then. Ugh, I'm so stupid - I should've thought it out."

"I-It's fine. No matter what you did, you give me your food everyday. What I d-did is the least I could do." Leon shyly said while fidgeting his fingers. Watching you sleep was the least he could do to pay you back too, since you always gave him unlimited kindness.

'It's to protect her,' Leon's mind had insisted. 'What we're doing is right.' Protecting you from what? He didn't know. But looking at your unconscious face gave Leon such a peaceful mind. Sometimes, he'd sit by your bed and just watch you sleep for a few hours.

"Ugh. There's too much love going on today. I think I'm gonna puke." Melody started to gag. He had forgotten that they were with you.

"Yeah. Don't give all the love to Leon~ I need some too." Alec started to pout. You giggled and wrapped your arms around Alec, patting him on the back.

"There, there." Alec smiled and caged you into his arms and lifted you up for a second.

Leon grumbled incoherently before jealously taking one of your arms off Alec and putting it around himself. It was clear to everyone that someone was feeling a little green with envy.

"Guys," Grace, who was scrolling through Instagram, found quite an alarming post. "Lizzy just trash talked Y/N in her social media."

"What?" Alec left your side and peeked over at Grace's phone. Although none of them didn't follow your former best friend, many of your classmates has been addressing what Lizzy had said through their stories.

Tapping on Lizzy's social media page, her second most recent post had a selfie of Lizzy and read, thought i had friends to rely on but i guess they were w/ me for money. but don't worry u guys! i'll heal in a matter of no time. luv u!!

This post was followed by an 'explanation' of what had happened between you, Leon, and her. Apparently, she and Leon had been secretly dating at the time, when you came in and 'stole her man' while knowing that the two had been going out. Lizzy had even posted a photo of you with a cross drawn on your face.

"How petty," Gabriel murmured after all of you read the post. You didn't even bother to read the comments since you knew nothing good would come out of it.

You paused and blinked for a moment. What do you do? There was nothing to do anyways since Lizzy was a huge influence online and in the student body. Speaking will do nothing. You thought of Lizzy as a pussy since she didn't confront you head on and instead had to rely on social media by spreading fake lies to do it. It was honestly pretty pathetic of her.

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