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I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while but I just kinda lost interest for a while then I decided to pick this back up and so yeah. I'm BACK! :D Oh, and the picture is how I feel with all of my guy friends nowadays so I just decided to put it. And I'm sorry it's so short!!!

She handed me my headphones and I put them in my bag. 

" I don't know your name."

"Oh, right I'm Marinette Du Pen Chang. My parents run the ba-"

At this point, she stopped talking and kinda made a growling noise. I looked over my shoulder to where she was glaring and I saw the blond girl with the assistant (Zoey? Clara?) with her arms entangled with Adrien's but he looked uncomfortable and I could see why. The blond chick was trying to kiss him and he was trying to pull away. I left Marinette to her fuming and walked over to them.

"Um, Adrien don't you think we should go see the principal and explain why we were late before the bell rings?"

He looked at me gratefully and after he disentangled himself from the blond brat, we took off up the stairs. I glanced over at Marinette and she looked at me confused but definitely grateful.

"Thanks, Max I needed that. Like Cloe was like my first friend but she can be a little-"

I looked at him, "Psychotic? Weird? Needy? Annoying?"

"Um, I was gonna say- wait what? Psychotic? How would you even know?"

"Gut feeling?" I laughed a little but he didn't deny it. 

By then we had reached the principal's office and Adrien talked to the principal about how I had just gotten off the plane and then I signed some papers and we were good to go, but first I had to pick up a tablet from the computer lab. Adrien and I parted ways and I walked down the hallway to the room that had a computer club sign on it. I step in and see a boy sitting at one of the tables fiddling with a small robot. I go and stand behind him and watch.

After a few minutes, without turning, he sais, " so you're my doppelganger huh?"

I started because I thought I had been quiet but then I saw my reflection in one of the computers and chuckled. I slid into the chair beside him and looked at his robot. This Max seemed to be a bit of a tech wiz as I noticed his high tech watch and the kinda depressing fact that he was spending lunch in an empty computer lab.

" Did you make this yourself?" I asked him. It was a really impressive piece of technology and I wanted to make a good first impression.

He was about to respond when the bell rang. 

"um..I have Band next do you know where it is?" I asked. I was a little embarrassed that I didn't know where my classes were but he looked nice.

"Yeah, I'll show you."

I picked up a tablet from one of the charging station and followed him out the computer lab door. He led me to another door and though this one I could hear people talking and messing around on instruments. He pulled it open and held it for me.

"What a gentleman" I commented and he smiled.

The Lone Wolf A Miraculous Ladybug FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now