The Duo(ch.6)

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The only reason she said that is because I'm pansexual. That's fucked up.

Toby pulls me back up and help me walk back to my room. The room. My head hurts, and I feel like I'm spinning. My entire life up to this point has been shit, hell I'm shit.
"Its ok y/n trust me it will get better."
I sit on the bed and put my hands up to my head. I hated her, I still do even after school she bothered me constantly, she would find a way but now she does something even worse, but she gets the pleasure I guess?
What ever I don't care.
After my head clams, toby has already asked if I'm ok a thousand times every 5 seconds.
We sit and talk when a group of girls come in there is two of them all giggling.
"What do y'all want?"
The first one replies to toby,
"We wanted to talk to y/n!"
"Its ok toby, I would like the company and besides go busy your self and not worry about me ok?"
He leaves and the girls just watch him leave once he shuts the door they all come over to the bed. I know them, all of them, one clockwork, two Jane.
"Hey I'm Jane a-"
"That's clockwork"
I finished before her.
"Ya, anyway we want to know if you wanted to come hang out with us for a little bit? Please?"
"Sure I have nothing else to do where to?"
"Follow me,"
We went upstairs to the last door on the right. Clockwork opened the door and it looked just like mine.
"This is a spare room since one of us got moved."
"I'm sorry"
"Don't worry they are not dead so we just have an empty room now."
"Ok? So what now"
Jane speaks before clockwork can.
"Want to play t or d?"
"T or d as in truth or dare?"
Why not.
"Wait we need more people though that way it will be better.
I just simply say ok, and they left me in the room and got more people. It didn't take long, when they got back I knew all of the creepypasta/proxy's here, there Was Jeff, toby, masky, Ben,hoodie,and us three girls.
This seems suspicious. I just sit on the bed as everyone settles in, by just standing there. Why is Jeff here? I bet its because of Jane.
Jane's the first to break the silence,
" ok everyone in a circle on the floor we are doing this the old way."
Everyone starts to make a circle on the floor I am the last to shuffle my way in, I sit in between Jane and clockwork. After clockwork its toby then masky and by Jane then Jeff and right across me is hoodie.
"Ok since I thought of this I'll go firstly, masky truth or dare?"
She sit there for a second smiling, then she starts the dare.
"I dare you to,"
She looks around.
"Kiss someone in the room"
He kisses his hand and smilies his way out of it.
"Since you never said it couldn't be my self, now clockwork truth or dare?"
She flinches with the sound of her name.
"Ok that's easy, d-"
"N-no dare then."
"Ok fine, I dare you to, kiss some one in this group besides your self,"
"Hey no fair masky I said that one!"
"No I said it differently"
God, it it like this everyday?
"Just do the dare, besides its not that bad out smart it"
She could kiss the persons hand, for real though there is so many way to outsmart these bicthes.
She turns to Jane and grabs her hand and kisses it.
Masky gives an unapproving look,
"Truth or dare toby?"
"Dare, I ant a wuss!"
He looks at me,
"Sure, sure toby, any way, I dare you to......"
She looks around the circle to create some concerns for there safety of her weirdnesses.
"To take off your shirt,"
Leave it to clockwork to go all fan girly on this game, I shouldn't mess with toby, she might come after me.
<  >
Ya imma watch my back, and make that a mental note.

Toby takes off his shirt on puts it beside him, clockwork seems to be mentally dead and crying but plays it off like she is fine but we can all still see the bright red appeal on her face.
Now its Toby's turn,
"My turn I guess?"
"Ya, go ahead,"
Wow Jane seemed so, weird when she said that there really it word to describe it.
"Truth or dare y/n ?"
Oh god my name.
"I guess dare?"
I'm scared now.
"I dare you to..."
"Just tell me"
"I dare you to kiss hoodie and no cheating actually kiss him"
I feel my face get red hot,
"Can I go to truth?"
"No do the dare!"
"Fine, fine..."
I crawl my way across the circle, cutting in the middle to hoodie, if he didn't have his masks on I bet he is blushing.
"Hoodie you have to take the mask off to kiss y/n "
Now he has to take off his mask too?! I feel the burning of my blush intense.
"Fine, I shouldn't of agreed.."
He pulls his mask to the top of his head. Omfg. Ahhhh. HISFUCKINGFACEISCUTEASHELL!!!
I just sit there staring into his eyes as his stare back, it feels as though his are soaking me in as I feel the red attire spread to my ears and chest,
"Are y'all going to kiss or stare at each other? It's taking so long come on kiss already"
Wow the fi-
My thoughts were interrupted by him putting his hand on the back of my neck and pulling me in.
Hey guys so I have yet to upload any of these so if you see this then that means I have probably up loaded all of them at once so if the published dates are the same sorry some....  Things are going on at home so I'm just going to publish these all together  so it might be finished, so if so please don't mind my earlier notes I know that many won't read this so its ok.
( turn side ways)
Anyway bye guys
-your not so happy, happy writer
(P.S -  I'm fine just sm things going on :) )

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