1st base (1st date)

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*2 weeks later after Jess left*


I feel sorry for Nathan because of his sister leaving right infront of him 2 weeks ago he isn't coping, poor soul. I barely knew Jess, she seemed to be a nice person but very timid kind of person when she came, she didn't really talk to me, she just talked to the others. She was a bit angry because Nathan was happy because I knew what he is like and he knows what I'm like I underestimated Jess a little bit thinking that she would obey her big brother but not telling him the purpose of the ring on her finger that's when everything went wrong, she accused me of being a rebound girl for Nathan. I don't blame her she had a tough life, when she told us I didn't realise that she was being tortured by her parents. After her leaving Nathan hasn't been himself, he has been doing stuff that his sister did so he won't forget how she did things, it's weird because if I mention anything that Jess did/said he'll say 'Jess did/said that' he needs someone stable like me, not bragging but hey. I'm thinking that he'll get used to her not being around like he did for 2 years, I'm sure he'll see her again soon.....................................................................

Nathan: Ray can I talk to you please

Me: Yeah sure Nathan what is it?

Nathan: You know how whatever you do or say reminds me of Jess?

Me: Yeah?.......... Nathan just spit it out please

Nathan: Ok do you want to go out on our first date tonight?

Me: What? Today?

Nathan: Yeah

Me: You and me? Tonight?

Nathan: Yeah

Me: I'd love to

Nathan: Great it's a date then, we'll leave at like 7 pm

Me: Yeah I'll be ready at 7 pm

Right I'm going out on a date with Nathan!!!! AHHHH soooooo bloody excited!!! I hope I have many more with him!! But the thing is I don't really wear dresses or that sort of stuff I need to get some advice from the girls about what to wear. I'm not the type to wear dresses or that kind of stuff I like to wear jeans, a t-shirt, hi-tops and a cool hat!! That is my style, dresses I find really uncomfortable. I think that it's good that Nathan is moving on, moving forward with his life, I'm sure that he'll go and find Jess somewhere not that far away. I don't think she really meant that he will NEVER see her again, that just not how things roll. I have so many thoughts going round my head I just need to sit down and talk to the boys *Siva, Jay, Max and Tom's girlfriends* girlfriends just to get it off my chest so I can releve myself of all of this stress.................................................................................

*2 Hours later*

I still don't know what to wear this date is going to be a disaster and it's only 4:00 pm. Some of the girls are busy, well it's good to try something and that someting is to ask one of the girls.

Me: Ellie can I ask you something please?

Ellie: Yeah sure, do you wanna talk in there? *referring to the bedroom*

Me: Yes please

Ellie: What is it? What's wrong? *Entering the bedroom*

Me: Ok don't tell anyone but Nathan and I are going out on our first date tonight and I have nothing to wear, I only wear like jeans, a t-shirt, trainners, a hoody and a hat.

Ellie: Ok, I'll devise something for you to wear for tonight, do you want to do your own make-up?

Me: I may need help with that too.

Ellie: Ok give me a few and I'll be back, you can borrow my black heels they aren't that high.

Me: Ok I need to try and to walk in them for a while.

Ellie: Ok, just get some black jeans out and a black blazer at the ready and I'll be back.

Me: Ellie I only have black jeans!!

Ellie: I'll get the rest sorted then!!

Me: Thanks Ellie your a babe!! Love you!!

Ellie: I love you too Ray *hugs Ray*

 Right Ellie is getting what I am wearing tonight ready, I love her so much!!

Ellie: Right here you go

Ray: Ellie I love you!!

Ellie: I love you too Ray now get ready!! You have like 3 hours, now a girl like myself would take all of this time to get ready, so get changed and then call me so I can do your make up, and then after that practise in those heels of mine *Winks at Ray* babe  you'll look gorgeous.

Ray: Ok, see you in like 10 mins

Ellie: Just give me a shout and I'll be there!!

Right time to get ready!! All of this is really out of my comfort zone but it's worth a try anyway

*10 mins later*

Ray: Ellie I am ready!!

Ellie: Coming Ray........................... WOW!! Babe you look stunning!!!

Ray: You think so?

Ellie: Babe, turn around

*Ray turns to look at the mirror*

Ellie: Do you know what I see?

Ray: A tom girl with no sense of fashion, that needs help with stuff like this?

Ellie: No I see a beautiful, confident looking girl that suits Nathan. You are stable and with Jess leaving so suddenly 2 weeks ago he needs someone to talk to, like Jess but he can share anything and I think you are the girl he has been waiting for

Ray: Thanks Ellie, can you do my makeup please

Ellie: Ok it's 6:30 pm, we have half an hour for you to get ready, I'm going to make your makeup natural. Have you been practising in my heels?

Ray: Yeah I'm getting the hang of it, bit wobbly but I'm ok. Thanks for doing all of this for me Ellie

Ellie: It's fine babe, if you need help with this or anything else like love problems etc just come to me, I'm always here if you need me!!

Ray: Thanks and I will come to you if I have problems...................................................................................

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