I remember you!

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Nathan POV

RIght I picked up this chick by just helping her get somewhere to stay, she has blondeish brown hair, cute facial features........................ wait I'm rambling on I love Meriam, maybe I can just be friends with her.

Me: Hey what's your name?

Ray: My name is Rachel but you can call me Ray. What's yours?

Me: Nice to meet you Ray my name is Nathan.

Ray: Nice to meet you Nathan, thank you for letting me stay here.

Me: It's ok, you can stay here as long as you like. BOYS I NEED TO INTRODUCE YOU TO SOMEONE!!!!

Jess: Alright Nathan no need to shout.

Me: Sorry Jess, where are the others?

Jess: They are coming, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?

Me: Oh right sorry, Jess meet my friend Ray. Ray meet my friend Jess, she's one of the boys girlfriends

Jess: Nice to meet you Ray

Ray: Same to you

Max: Hi Ray I'm Max

Tom: Hi Ray I'm Tom

Siva: Hi Ray I'm Siva

Jay: Hi Ray I'm Jay

Me: You know my name already

The Wanted: *In unison* and we are The Wanted.

Ray: Hi guys nice to meet you all, don't all of you have girlfriends?

Tom: Well you have met mine

Ray: Your girlfriend is Jess?

Tom: Yeah

Max: Georgia come and say hello to Ray

Georgia: Coming!!............ Hi Ray nice to meet you my name is Georgia *shaking Ray's hand*

Ray: Nice to meet you Georgia

Siva: Chloe, Ellie, Meriam come and say hello to Ray.

Chloe: Hi Ray I'm Chloe Siva's girlfriend

Ellie: Hi Ray I'm Ellie Jay's girlfriend

Meriam: Hi Ray I'm Meriam Nathan's girlfriend

Ray: It's so nice to meet you all I feel so welcome.

Me: Shall I show you to your room?

Ray: Yes please thank you again Nathan for letting me stay

Me: It's ok Ray. Right here is your room, the bathroom is down the hallway on the left. Do you need anything else?

Ray: No not at the moment, thank you.

Me: We will all be in the living room, where you met everyone

Ray: Ok just give me 10 mins and I'll be down

Me: Ok

Meriam POV

Oh great another one to list why does Nathan have to go out on his own, when he does I can't keep an eye on him it's unbelievable, well he doesn't know about what happened tonight with Logan a long serving client of mine. That blonde better keep her mouth shut otherwise something bad is going to happen to her. She was Logan's other half, he never mentioned her, no wonder she broke up with him because he wasn't interested in her anymore he interested in me. I shall never mention this to Nathan. Any way I hate eveyone, once I marry Nathan it will be bye bye The Wanted and their stupid girlfriends and hello Nathan and me time. I've always wanted a family with Nathan.

Nathan: Hey babe you ok?

Me: Yeah where were you tonight?

Nathan: No where special why?

Me: Just wondering

Nathan: Ray come and sit next to me.

Oh great here she is coming to sit next to him, I hope that she won't get comfortable next to him if she does I'm going to get angry.

Me: Guys what are going to do?

Max: I don't know really, Jay?

Jay: Watch Avatar........................ what?

Max: We are not doing that again

Jay: *grumpy face* ...............................

Ray: I remember you!!

Me: Who? Me?

Ray: Yeah you, you where at the restaurant tonight?!

Nathan: You said that you had a meeting tonight?!

Me: Nathan I did have a meeting but it was with a client

Ray: I don't think so you were snogging my boyfriend

Me: That's absurd, you can't prove it no one will believe you

Ray: Ok what happened with you lipstick it looks like someone's lips smeared it *on the left side*

Me: No I smeared it with the side of my hand

Ray: What hand?

Me: My left hand

Ray: *taking her hand and looking at it* nothing on the side your hand, no lipstick mark nothing

Nathan: *running up stairs and packing all of Meriam's stuff in the bag in came in* take your stuff and leave NOW!!!

Me: Nathan what are you doing?

Nathan: You cheated on me and I can't look at you, you digust me

Me: Nathan, baby I love you

Nathan: No you don't love me, give me your keys.

Me: What keys?

Nathan: My car keys and my house keys

Me: You'll regret this Nathan

Nathan: No I won't, I pitty the person that loves you. GET OUT OF OUR FLAT YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!

I can't believe he chucked me out, he'll regret it I'm sure of it!!!

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