What is that on your finger?

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Lauren POV *Max's sister*

*2 days after the little argument*

Right Jess has been moody and won't talk to any of us, if we ask her to help she won't even help!! I don't know what is going on but moaping around won't solve the situation that she is in.

Me: Jess are you going to talk to me?

Jess: Yes Lauren I will talk to you but the low life idiot *it's not true Nathan isn't a low life idiot* of a brother that I have over there I won't talk to. What's up?

Me: Nothing *looking down on Jess's hand* JESS WHAT IS THAT ON  YOUR FINGER?

Jess: Lauren keep quiet, I don't want my low life brother knowing!!!

Me: Sorry Jess you know how I am with those things, well what is it?

Jess: Don't tell no one, but when I saw Jamie yesterday he gave me this ring as a promise ring. He promised not to cheat on me and to always check up on me once in a while.

Me: Aww that's so sweet

Nathan: What are you girls talking about? *turning towards Jess* Yes Jess what is that on your finger?

Jess: Why would you care, all you care about is Ray remember?

Nathan: Yes I do care about you

Jess: HA! That is a massive understatement for you Nath

Nathan: Don't take that tonge with my young lady

Jess: I'm not 5 Nathan I do have a love life of my own you know

Me: I think I'm going to leave you two to talk it out *backing  up slowly*

Nathan: Then why won't you tell me why you have a ring on your finger?

Jess: There are somethings I'd like to keep from you and this *showing him the ring* is one of them

Nathan: No, you are going to tell me who gave you that ring and what it's purpose is right now!!

Jess: No

Nathan: What did you just say?

Jess: I said No, don't you get the just of it? N,O spells no, read my lips big bro nnnooo

This was getting scary something was going to turn out bad and I don't want to be in the middle of it, I went over to Max feeling scared of what was going to happen to them, I didn't want Jess to leave she has been there for me every step of the way for the past 2 years and I don't want her to go, Nathan has to understand somethings girls can tell but others they can't tell a soul. This argument was about Jamie, yesterday she went out only telling me and the other sisters where she was going, we knew that if Nathan knew about her where-abouts yesterday he would've gone mental,  he doesn't trust Jamie. Jamie is a kind hearted soul somethings he get wrong and he does stupid mistakes but he makes up for them, Jess missed him so they arranged to meet up. I think that is the most sweetest thing ever!!

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