I need to know a little more about you

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Nathan POV

Right where did my sister go?! Nobody knows where she is, I've tried calling her but she won't answer her phone. I'm going mental, I hope she hasn't gone to see Jamie, I didn't like that piece of scum. He was a bad influence on her, no wonder why she dumped him. She told me that he wasn't 'boyfriend material'.

Siva: Hey Nathan Jess has gone oxford street with the rest of the gang, as in our sisters and our bestfriends. Stop freaking out she's in safe hands.

Me: Thanks for telling me that Seev, I thought that she went to go and see Jamie

Siva: Nope she's too busy for him at this point in her life Nathan, s=just stop worrying about her, she can look after herself you know

Me: Yeah I guess, she needs to learn things on her own, just like the rest of us

Siva: Nathan she has learn't more things than you have you know

Me: Really?!

Siva: Yeah, she is passing on her wisdom on to you. You didn't see that did you when she was talking to you?

Me: Nope I didn't see it

Siva: I think that will always be the case, Nathan you need to see things in a different light, not always the same one if you get what I mean?

Me: Yeah I do I never looked at it that way thanks for the advice Seev

Siva: No problem mate.

Everybody seems to be giving me sympathy because of what happened lastnight, it feels weird because something doesn't feel right. They know something I don't and it's not fair that they aren't telling me their (I'll call it) "Secret". When it comes to relationships and love I'm not good a spotting love but if I am in a relationship with someone I'll make it worth while.


Right first day in a cramped but ok flat was nice had an argument with Nathan's ex, but at least she will spend the rest of her life with the bastard I was with, ugh Logan never wanted me, he just wanted to have a relationship with someone like a temporary one. Logan is such a low life git I wish I never met him, then again, we all make mistakes and I have definately learn't from this one.

Nathan: Ray, can I talk to you for a minute

Me: Yeah sure, what's up?

Nathan: Right my little sister Jess, you have met her right?

Me: Yeah just briefly why?

Nathan: Just checking and anyway she told me that the person I love is closer than I think. What does she mean by that?

Me: Nathan somethings people can just tell you straight away, somethings you have to learn on your own.

Nathan: Ok, I have bearly talked to you, so what I am going to do is try to get to know you a bit better, like I need to know a little mroe about you, your life, your personality that kind of stuff.

Me: Ok, do you want to talk in the living room or somewhere private?

Nathan: Somewhere private would be good

Me: lead the way to the private place

Nathan grabbed my hand and lead me to his bedroom and shut the door................................


Ok I saw Nathan holding hands with Ray and taking her to his bedroom, that was 30mins ago, they haven't even come out yet. Bloody hell I think Nathan is suducing her into having sex with him. Scrap that idea, anyway it looks like the flat is a bit quiet, just going to find out where our sisters and our bestfriends got to, whenever they are here a party will always start YAY!! Party time with the family!!

*Ring Ring* 

Oh that goes my phone

Me: Hello?

Chloe: Hey big bro

Me: Ah Chloe where are you and the others?

Chloe: Oxford street, Jess suggested we all meet up because we haven't seen each other in 2 years

Me: Well get all your asses down here at my flat, well I share it with the boys, just get down here because we are going to have a party now that Jess got you all down here, it will be nice to see old faces again

Chloe: You saying that I'm old?

Me: No, you are young and free. I just want to see you it's been ages!!

Chloe: Ok we'll make our way there now see you in 20 mins

Me: Ok be safe, keep together too

Chloe: Yes big brother, see you later bye

Me: Bye Chloe

Success the party will commence soon woo!!!!.............................................................................

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