Chapter 13- The Two Idiots and the Beauty

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I saw two boys coming towards me. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. I could neither believe my eyes nor my luck. As you might have guessed, these two were the 'coldy' and the 'butterfly'. I mean, Ryan and Phlyn.

What got me in such a situation? I would like to think it was a coincidence, A MERE COINCIDENCE. Let's just say that these two managed to ruin my day twice as much by appearing at the exact same day and time.

And it was the day that I found something to do that might ignite my interest. I planned to make my own comic book based on my favourite animés. Obviously it won't be the exact same story, but related. I won't be able to do so for a while now.

It's time to follow one of my life's mottos, which is 'If you cannot do what you like, then like what you do.' In simpler words, I need to list the advantageous things about meeting these people. Let's start:
1.  I won't get bored.
2. I can see what kind of fashion prevails in this place.
3. I might learn new words and gain knowledge which is highly unlikely but nevertheless possible.
4. If I try to make them jealous of each other, they might give me a valuable scene for my comic!

On second thought, it is quite beneficial for me, specially the fourth advantage. That's exactly what I will do!

I must have been looking like a grinning fool when I thought of this idea. They both sat down, occupying the two white chairs beside me.

"Hello Utau!" They both said at the same time and glared at each other right after.

"Hello, Ryan and Phlyn," I said in a friendly manner. I did it purposely so as to execute my plan. When they know that I call them by their first name, they will question my relationship with the other person. I am so smart!

Like I assumed, they glared at each other for the second time.
After a while of doing that, Phlyn said," I promised you that I would find you and I did."

Ryan commented," Must have been easy, considering her popularity and your parents' occupations."

"Yes, it was very easy. Afterall greatness cannot be overlooked." He replied flawlessly.

Ryan bit his lip, regretting what he said. Ting ting ting! First round won by Phlyn. No wonder he grows up to be a playboy, such a smooth talker!

I was so busy being the commentator of the match and taking mind notes about the conversation that I barely spoke. So here's the rest of the match from the commentator's perspective:

Ryan's facial expression changed as he received an idea and said," I wonder how the greatness was overlooked in the first place. Such a beautiful person can only be Utau Dandelion. Why was there a need to find her?"

That was actually a good question. I was curious about the answer as well. The rival replied with unwavering confidence," It was my first encounter with her,and it is only natural to be blinded by such beauty."

Ryan muttered," You seem quite fine to me, no trace of blindness whatsoever."

Phlyn ignored the comment completely and continued," So Utau, are you creating a new painting?"

I cannot just sit around if we are talking about art, can I? So I started," Not really, but soon I will. What about you?"

"Not now,but just like you, I will do it soon. Oh I know, how about we do it together, JUST YOU and ME?"

"Nah, I like to do art alone or I get distracted."

"Well I like art too you know!" Ryan spoke out.

"Really, which style of art is your specialty? Do you like to paint via canvas? Which artist inspired you to draw?" I questioned him excitedly while Phlyn smirked.

"Umm.. I like every art form , I guess," he replied.

"Same here, but my favourite must be monochrome." I said.

"Why monochrome?" Phlyn interrupted.

" It's easy, simplistic and inspiring. Oh , and I can do it well. Using only black and white helps you to focus on the real depth and meaning of the painting and prevents you from getting distracted by the colours."

"Huh?" They both said simultaneously.

I was about to repeat but then I realised that I was talking to two 4 year old kids. Even though they are smarter than most kids their age, but I am oversmart. I quickly gave them a cheeky smile and said,"... that's what my mother told me. I didn't understand it either, but I do it because I like it, I guess. Hee hee."

My charming smile made them forget what I just said and they began to converse again after blushing for a while. Such freaks!

I stopped listening and started to think about the story of the comic I would like to write. Their conversation took a boring turn. Hmm...My favourite animé... hard to choose. Main options are Miraculous ladybug, Akatsuki no Yona and Shugo chara. I guess I will combine them together. That would turn out to be great.

"Utau!?" I heard a loud combined voice that brought me out of my thoughts and made me frown.

"Yes?" I said while trying to hide my anger.

"We have been calling you for a while. Why were you not listening?"

"I was thinking,duh!"

"What?!" They said, completely shocked.

I forgot that I never used such informal language with these hypocrites.

"I mean, I was lost in thought. I am sorry."I made the puppy dog eyes to make them forgive me and forget what I said. But I overlooked the fact that the scene would end with two half dead bodies with a red pool beside them caused by the blood that flowed out of their nose.

Seriously if this goes on, my only aquantances would be zombies!

Although it created a huge ruckus, but I can concentrate on my comic now that they are gone!

In a few seconds I was settled at my desk with all the necessities and I began to work!

I was humming Rihanna's song 'work' alongside it.

It took me a while, but I completed the first chapter. A name for the series popped in my mind. How about I name it ' The Two Idiots and the Beauty?'
A befitting name, both for my comic and for the story of my present life in this world.

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