Chapter 18 - Carbonated

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( This will be a humongous chapter to make up for my long absence.)

Sketchbook and Notebook?Check!
Drawing utensils?Check!
Old camera?Check!
Maroon-laced long dress with cute frills at the bottom.
Sandals with jewelled straps enscripted with my name in cursive.
Long curls of sunset forming a neat central plait with bright maroon petals of rose stuffed in it.
A rose pendant and a bow shaped bangle.
Cute and mischievous, hidden behind narcissism.
Triple check!

Totally Perfect!! I am ready to go.

I dashed out of my room and saw Ryu standing beside a horse drawn carriage. I smiled at him and with his help, I climbed up the step and sat inside. He repeated the same thing. This will be my first time going somewhere farther than my neighbourhood.

Our parents were at the gate, sniffing and waving at us. We chuckled and waved back at them as carriage started to move. Our butler's son was driving us to our destination. He is one year elder to my brother but nevertheless very capable at doing things. In fact, our first meeting was not too long ago.

He was introduced to me three days ago. The incident was as follows.

Our butler, Mr. Kola is very kind  and loyal indeed and all his ancestors had worked for the Dandelions. So he is kinda continuing the profession. One day, when he came to work in the morning he seemed fidgety.  He did plenty of mistakes and was 'out in his own world' that day.
Normally I wouldn't even have noticed it or bothered to say anything but he caught a cockroach and(accidentally) put it in my glass of water without even noticing it! And all that was done in front of me!
Keeping my calm I said to him," I don't really want flavoured water, you know?"
He realised his mistake and asked for forgiveness. I said to him,"Why do you seem so distracted? You can tell me about it. After all, I don't have anything better to do."
Hesitantly he told me about how his wife recently got a job which has resulted in his son being alone at home. " He doesn't have any friends to keep him company. Being alone in the house, he must be so lonely."

"You can bring him here." I simply said. "I dare not, miss."
"It's okay, I don't mind, and neither will my parents."
The next day he was standing in front of me. Looking at me with those cold, sad eyes was a boy with fair skin and pitch black hair . He looked a male snow white.

 He looked a male snow white

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"I am Coca Kola."

I burst into immediate laughter upon hearing it. Soon tears came out of my eyes but my loud laughter did not cease.

He was so surprised seeing me tear up that he started to beg for  forgiveness. When I stopped laughing I asked him,"Why are you apologizing?"
He said," Because I made you cry?"
"It's not your fault. Your name made me remember something funny. Sorry to make you uncomfortable. Call me Utau. "
"I gave you permission so i'd rather not hear anything after 'but'."
We chatted a bit till my brother entered the garden . I carried the responsibility of introduction and since then we know each other. I kept his nickname as 'Carbonated' just like I did with the coldy and butterfly. I have observed him doing a lot of tasks efficiently. I wish we can be friends soon and he could drop the respectful behaviour although I do not mind being respected.

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