Chap 4-A Beneficial Hubbub

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This is the previous chapter from Ryu's perspective.

Ryu's POV

My sister had recently been born. I was anticipating this as I really wanted a younger sibling. I wanted to decide her name but I know my parents would keep some Japanese name that they like.

They really have some Japanese fetish which is evident in my name as well. Ryu means 'a dragon' in Japanese. I don't dislike it, considering it's short and easy to use and write.

I wonder what name they would use to address her ... I haven't even seen her yet, no one has, except my mother and the maids as they were catering to her needs.

You wonder why?.. Because I was busy with my magic tutor, mental and physical training and other stuff while father was busy with other work that he had been missing lately. Being the most wealthy and influential Duke is surely not an easy job.

How I wish I could see her... Although I am very young, I was something like a prodigy, so my training started early. Mother didn't have much time to see her as well as she had to prepare for the birthday party for her, that was going to be held soon.

Suddenly I heard a loud, shrill voice belonging to my mother, coming from the baby's room. I panicked and dashed out to see what happened. On the way I saw my father hurrying towards the same destination with the same expression on his face...worry. 

We smashed the door open and said in unison," What happened!?" What she said made us sigh in relief and realise that it was an unnecessary fret.

She finally had the time to see her daughter so she came to do that. And knowing her, a doting mother and child freak, she would have squealed so loud that she must have put pigs to shame and frightened the poor child. Surprisingly the baby did not cry, rather seemed like it was shocked. Do babies have that kind of emotion? I probably imagined it though.

But amidst this hullabaloo, one thing was beneficial. We got to see our new family member. And boy, she was soo adorable! I was internally fangirling and simultaneously trying to stop my nose from bleeding. I knew that father was in the same state as me, only that he was better at controlling it.

I was brought out of my fantasy world when my mother told me to come closer to the little girl. After a while of staring at her pale, white skin, short but glossy orange hair, that sprung from her little head, and her round, beady eyes which were a sweet mixture of two colours, I realised that she wanted me to pick her up.

Wait what? Nononono... This can't be happening! What if my hands are dirty?What if I don't hold her properly? What if her perfect porcelain skin damages? What if my hands are too rough for her? Damn my intensive training.

My internal debate continued till it was stopped by my mother encouraging me to do the task. With a little courage and determination, I finally picked her up. OMG! So soft!! Oh she is better than a Maine Coon( a breed of furry cats)  .

I managed to hold her in a comfortable position, after a few failed attempts. An urge to poke her cheek suddenly engulfed me, that accepted no resistance. I had to comply. I was so surprised, that at the same time she touched my cheek. I guess we think and act alike..

My father worded my exact thoughts. He did that in a gentle tone, which was unlike his inner thoughts. He probably didn't want to scare the child, she had a big scare already when my mother squealed. I nodded shyly to his comment.

Soon she fell asleep in my arms. I carried her and placed her back into her cot. My parents smiled at me and the baby, who had already gone into the dimension of a peaceful slumber.

We exited the room to give her privacy and went back to our work. I smiled one last time and left. Sister...what a special word with a beautiful meaning... And now I can use it to address my new, cute family member. I am the most blessed person in the universe!!!

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