"Do you perhaps.. like Y/N?" John asked carefully. Sherlock shrugged while slowly turning towards him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Sherlock said. "Her behavior disgusted me, why on earth would you think I would be trying to get it back?" John noticed that he spoke in a slow and calm manner. It didn't soujd genuine. Was he really disgusted?

"I see no other explanation," John said. "And you have also not given me a valid one." Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"Just let it go and let me work. I still have a lot to do." Sherlock sighed in frustration. He stretched out his arm towards him.

"Give me the chocolate," Sherlock demanded. John was almost sure of what he has found out. Sherlock had a crush.

"How does it feel to be in love?" John grinned. Sherlock turned away from him and took off his safety glasses. He threw them on the table and walked to wards his long coat that was hanging next to the door.

"Oh come on Sherlock," John laughed. "I'm just teasing you a little."

"This is not funny John," Sherlock spoke in a serious tone. "You have no idea what you're talking about." Sherlock took his coat and stormed out the door, not giving John a chance to respond.


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You rubbed your fingers against your temples. The biggest headache had hit you, which made you feel dizzy. You couldn't remember anything that had happened. You remembered eating the piece of chocolate that Sherlock had, but you had no idea when you went to this room. There was a big, black spot between the two.

You growned as another sharp pain went through your head. Maybe it was a good time to get something for the headache. You got up from your bed. Slowly you walked towards the door and opened it. You were still dizzy, feeling like you had to throw up. What on earth had happened to you?

"Aah, look who came back," John said as you walked into the living room. You smiled softly, immediately regretting your decision. You frowned as a sharp pain went through your head.

"I think you should sit down," John said. He got up from his chair and pointed at it, indicating you could sit there. You walked to the chair and let yourself fall into it. John dissappeared into to kitchen.

"Where's Sherlock?" you asked. He wasn't in the living room, but you did see him before. Where did he go?

"He went out," John answered, clearly annoyed. "I thought he might leave his experiments alone after what happened, but clearly not." John came back from the kitchen. He had a big, steaming cup off tea in his hands. He carefully gave it to you.

"Watch out, it's hot." You nodded and gratefully took the tea from him.

"Not sure if this will help my headache," you said as you took a sip. "It's the worst headache I ever had. i even blacked out from it." John looked at you in surprise.

"You don't remember what happened?" he asked. You shook your head.

"All I remember is eating Sherlock's chocolate and waking up in that room with this headache. Everything in between is completely blank." John frowned. He couldn't believe you would forget something as strange as what happened.

You saw the confused look on his face. It gave you a weird feeling. It clearly seemed like you forgot something. Did you do something horrible?

"What?" you asked in suspicion, while putting your cup of tea down. "Did something happen?" John kept quiet. He didn't know if he should tell you or spare the embarrassment. He felt bad for you.

"John..?" you asked, while leaning forward a bit. John sighed deeply.

"Please don't be embarrassed after I tell you this," John said, while frowning. You looked at him in confusion.

"What is it?" you asked. John cleared his throat.

"The chocolate you ate had the same effect as a love potion," John started. "When you ate it, you developed this obsessive love for Sherlock and even almost attacked him."

Your eyes got bigger in shock. You couldn't remember any of this, did it really happen? You layed your hands on your forehead and growled in frustration.

"Did I really make a fool of myself?" you asked, desperately hoping he would say no. But John nodded instead. The feeling of pure shame entered your body. You just wished you could disappear right now.

"Oh no.." you sighed as you leaned far back into your chair. "He must hate me right now. This is so embarrassing!"

"There is nothing to worry about," Sherlock said. "I already talked to Sherlock and he didn't seem to mind." You frowned in confusion as you pulled yourself up again. That didn't sound like Sherlock at all. He would've hated her guts when you acted like this. Was something going on?

"Are you sure?" you asked in doubt. John nodded.

"It was strange to me aswell, but I'm pretty sure something is going on with him." You sighed. Was it better to talk to him yourself and clear everything up?

"I should talk to him soon then.." you sighed. "I have some things to clear up with him after what happened. I hope my schedule will allow it soon." John nodded in agreement.

"First you should go home and rest," he said. "Recover fully first and talk to him when you get the chance." You smiled sweetly at John. He was so sweet to think about your health like that. You would follow his advise, since Sherlock wasn't at home anyways, but you hoped you could clear everything up soon.

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