Mahi Bhai's orders

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When Mahi landed in Bombay that evening and checked his phone, he was surprised to find the message from Jinks. What happened again? Hope those two weren't fighting again. He quickly texted back Jinks saying that he has just landed and will be reaching the hotel in half an hour.

He reached the hotel and hadn't even started to unpack when Jinks walked through the door. He unceremoniously plopped down on the couch and said in the most fed up and whiny voice possible, "They are fighting again."

"I had guessed as much when I recieved your text. It's the run out isn't it?" MS said getting his bat out and checking his bat swing.

"Yeah, what else." Jinks said "How do you know? You weren't here today."

"I watch the test matches even if I am not playing." MS said "And I know those two too well to know what they can fight on."

"I tried my best to stop them." Jinks said

"Well when have they ever listened to anybody once they go off on each other." MS smiled at Jinks "It's not your fault that you literally have kindergarteners as your best friends."

"And they unfollowed each other on social media again." Jinks said looking at his phone, "How do the tabloids get these news so fast they must have done it not more than an hour or two ago."

"I don't know. They must have serious social media stalking skills." MS said "These two will be the death of me. Why do they keep unfollowing each other is beyond any logic."

"Please talk to them." Jinks said "You are the only one they listen to."

"I will try to sort it out." MS reassured "for now let's go have dinner."

During the dinner the cold war between Virat and Rohit was evident. They sat on either side of Jinks eyeing each other and passing an occasional snarky comment but mostly silent with hard expression. Mahi Bhai was sitting between Jassi and Kuldeep because the kids had whined enough to convince him to sit there. Frankly the Rohirat fight was amusing people more than worrying them because this had become so regular in the team.

Sikhar, who had also arrived to today to replace Mayank in the ODI squad, even whispered to Jaddu "How much do you bet that they will make up in 5 days?"

"No. 7 days." Jaddu shaked his head.

"Well I say 5 days. Bet?" Sikhar raised his eyebrow.

"Bet" Jaddu nodded "The loser has to take us all out for seafood after the last odi in Bangalore." Jaddu said, when he felt a kick from Bhuvi under the table. He looked at Bhuvi who pointed with his eyes at MS.

Jaddu and Sikhar both caught MSD's eyes who was looking at them with a very stormy expression and instantly both felt silent. He must have heard the discussion or guessed it, even though they were extremely quiet. Mahi Bhai was the boss here, captain or not, didn't matter. And he seemed to be a little worried about the fight. So it was best not to joke about it.

MSD was genuinely a little worried about these frequent fights. He knew how they both were, and knew that they always sorted it out and stayed together. The cared for each other more than they cared for their fights even when they were fighting. But he was worried about this social media display, they were giving a chance to the paparazzi to get to them. Also these two literally had no control over their mouths, they always said things they didn't mean in anger. He needed to talk to them.

So after dinner he made bee line for Rohit's room because more often than not it was Virat who was starting the fight and Rohit was just reacting to it, so it was more necessary to pacify Rohit first.

"Hey Ro" he said as Rohit opened the door.

"Hi Mahi Bhai" Rohit said a little subdued.

"What the matter Rohit?" MS asked "You both aren't fighting again I hope?" He added knowingly.

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